Get your MP spring/summer gear here! Conditioning: Complete (40/32) reps in 4-minutes of: 1:00 max calories biked Hand-over-hand sled pull* (90/70) Rest remaining time 2 rounds for total work time *Perform remaining reps in 5-ft segments. Each segment equals 1 rep …Directly into… Complete (40/32) reps in 4-minutes of: 1:00 max...Read More
Get your MP spring/summer gear here! Conditioning: MPCF Fitness Challenge WOD and Board WOD “Hotel 100” 100 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (35’s/25’s) For Time* *Starting at minute 1, stop performing DBHSCT’s, and perform 5 burpees. Repeat this at the top of every minute until finished with the DBHSCT’s. Compare to Wednesday, 24 July...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many reps* as possible in 3:00 of: 40′ Handstand walk (together) 12 Synchronized toes-to-bar Max rep squat snatches* (115/78) in remaining time 1:00 Rest between rounds *Complete above AMRAP until partners have completed 50 squat snatches For time (19:00 cap) Accessory Work: 10 Banded hip thrusts 0:30...Read More
Join us this Saturday at 0900 for a FREE WOD! No experience needed! Conditioning: 20 Thrusters (95/63) 30/24 Calories Biked 20 Thrusters For time (7:00 cap) …rest 10:00, then… As many reps as possible in 8-minutes of: 25’* – 50′ – 75′ – 100’… Double dumbbell front rack walking lunges (50/35) 10/8 –...Read More
Conditioning: 48 Double-unders 12 Thrusters (95/63) 6 Bar-facing burpees Rest 2:00 4 rounds total work time* *try to maintain similar pace on each round Core Work: 20 Half-tacos 10 Crossed-arm sit-ups 5 Rower pike-ups Rest 2:00 3 Rounds for quality Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
MPCF, where we train so hard the power goes out! 🙂 LAST DAY!! 2022 CrossFit Games Open Registration CLICK HERE CrossFit Judges course CLICK HERE Option 1: 750m Row 25 GHD sit-ups 50-ft Weighted walking lunges (45/35) 25 Pull-ups 50-ft Weighted walking lunges (45/35) 500m Ski 25 Kettlebell swings (72/53) 50 High-lows 25 Kettlebell goblet squats (72/53)...Read More
2014 Flashback! Ladies, join us this Saturday evening at 5:30pm for Galentines! Conditioning: CrossFit Games Open WOD 14.4 Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 minutes of: 60 Calorie Row 50 Toes-2-Bar 40 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 30 Cleans (135/93) 20 Muscle-ups For score Compare to Saturday, 22 March 2014 ...Read More
Join us TODAY for a FREE class at any of the following class times: 0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, 1730 CrossFit Judges course CLICK HERE Accessory/Skill: Every minute on the minute, for 7 minutes, perform: 3 Strict pull-ups with 3 x 1 x 3 tempo For quality Conditioning: 21-15-9 Rep rounds of: Double...Read More
Join us this Wednesday for a FREE class at any of the following class times: 0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, 1730 CrossFit Judges course CLICK HERE Strength/Skill: Segmented clean pull* + clean pull + squat clean 3** @ 35 % 3 @ 50% 2 @ 60% 1 @ 70% 1 @ 75% 1 @ 75%...Read More
Join us this Friday for a FREE WOD! Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5-minutes of: 21 Calories rowed 21 Thrusters (95/63) 21 Butterfly ab-mat sit-ups For score …rest 2:00, then… Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5-minutes of: 15 Calories rowed 15 Thrusters (125/83) 15...Read More