
Conditioning: Partner WOD 6 Rounds, partners alternate rounds, of: 2 Bar muscle-ups 4 Deadlifts (295/193) 6 Burpees-over-bar …Rest 3:00, change load, then with equal work… 50 Wall ball shots (30/20)@(10/9′) 40 Toes-to-bar 30 Burpee box get overs (30”)* 20 Power cleans (185/123) …Rest 3:00, change load, then with alternating rounds… 6 Rounds, partners alternate rounds,...
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Strength: With a 2:30 clock, perform… 10 Shoulder Press at 70% For quality Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15-minutes of: 30/24 Calories biked 30 GHD sit-ups 30 Push press (95/63) For score Post results and experiences to comments
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Endurance: 2500m Row* For time *At the top of every 3:00 perform the following: 0:00 – Bike 20/16 Calories 3:00 – Bike 20/16 Calories 6:00 – Bike 15/12 Calories 9:00 – Bike 15/12 Calories 12:00 – Bike 10/8 Calories 15:00 – Bike 10/8 Calories 18:00 – Bike 5/4 Calories 21:00 – Bike 5/4 Calories …now...
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Conditioning: Partner WOD “Yo Adrian!” Minute 1: Partner A max calories rowed Minute 2: Partner B max calories rowed Minute 3: Partner A max box jumps (24/20″) Minute 4: Partner B max box jumps (24/20″) Minute 5: Partner A max handstand push-ups Minute 6: Partner B max handstand push-ups Minute 7: Partner A max power...
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This Friday 1730 and Saturday 0900 classes canceled because we are hosting Festivus Games! Join us for FREE on Friday, April 26th! No fitness experience is needed and everyone is welcome!   Conditioning: “CrossFit Games 2024 Indy/Age Group Quarterfinals WOD 1” 1:00 Max reps snatches (135/83) 1:00 Max calories rowed 1:00 Max double dumbbell box...
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Sign up to compete or volunteer at Festivus HERE!!   2024 Spring Festivus WODs 2 & 3 Strength: “The Walking Dead” For Load 5-reps at 8 stations Every Minute on the Minute Deadlift Ladder EMOM, athletes will perform 5 consecutive reps at one station. If successful, at the turn of the minute, the athlete will...
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Take the CrossFit  Judges Course HERE!   Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 8 minutes, perform: Odd minutes: 15 Wall ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) Even minutes: 12/10 Calories biked   …Rest 2-minutes and then…   Every minute on the minute, for 8 minutes, perform: Odd minutes: 15 Toes-to-bar Even minutes: 12 Box jump...
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Solving the world’s problems post-WOD! 😉   ATTENTION ALL LADIES! Join us Saturday evening, 17 February for GALENTINES! Join us on Saturday, 17 February for a FREE class! No experience is needed! Everyone is welcome! Register HERE for the 2024 CrossFit Open! Take the Judges Course HERE!   Strength: Every 2-minutes on the minute, for...
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  Join us on Saturday, 03 February for a FREE class! No experience is needed! Everyone is welcome! Register HERE for the 2024 CrossFit Open! Take the Judges Course HERE!   Conditioning: For max reps,  1-minute work at each station, 1-minute transition: Rope climbs (13-ft) D-ball cleans (100/70) Overhead squats (125/83) Calories rowed Double dumbbell...
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