Strength: Deadlift Set 1: 6-4-2 (increasing load) Set 2: 6-4-2 (increasing load, try to go heavier than Set 1) For score* *Score is total weight lifted Conditioning: 10 Deadlifts* 15/12 cal bike Rest 1:30 5 Rounds for time *increase weight each round according to the following percentages: Round 1: 35% of...Read More
Strength: Every 75 seconds, perform 1 rep, then add (10/5), repeat and continue until failure of: Snatch Start at 25-30% 1RM snatch Post max successful load Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of: 200m Run 40-ft DB Overhead walking lunges – right arm (50/35) 20 GHD sit-ups 40-ft...Read More
General warm-up: 2 rounds of: Row 15/12 Calories 8 Spiders 7 T-Push-ups 8 V-ups 7 Deep squats 8 Shoulder press w/T’s …then… Ski 12/8 calories 20m Heavy Farmers carry 40m D-ball high carry 10 KB swings Bike 15/12 Calories Endurance: Partner bike/run* Run 400m Bike for max cals 12 rounds for time** *While one partner runs,...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds* and reps as possible in 15-minutes of: 20′ Handstand walk (40′ Bear crawl) 5 Chest-2-bar 5 Burpees 5 Goblet squats (72/53) For score* *Partners alternate rounds. Each round is worth 19 points (1 pt for every 5′ of HS walk or ever 10′ bear crawl). Strength:...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Perform as many reps as possible in 45 seconds* at each station of: Burpees Synchronized Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (12/11’) GHD Sit-up Wall-Ball tosses (8#) Synchronized Pull-ups Box Overs (20″) Synchronized One-arm Kettlebell Snatch Lunges (45/30) Calories Rowed …rest 1:15 minute 3 rounds for score Compare to Saturday, 13 October 2018...Read More
Tuesday night class is canceled this week. All other classes normal. General warm-up: Bike 3:00 10 Samsons 12 Hand-release push-ups 14 v-ups 14 Squats 12 Shoulder press w/T’s 10 Pull-ups Row 2:00 10m Goblet lunges 10 Kettlebell swings 10m Goblet lunges 10 PVC passovers 10 PVC windmills Conditioning: With a continuous clock of...Read More
General Warm-up: Bike 2:00 10 Spiders 10 Push-ups Row 2:00 10 Sit-ups 10 Squats Ski 2:00 10 Ring rows 10 SP w/T’s Run 300m Endurance: Row 400m Rest 3-5 minutes 5 rounds for scores Score A – Fastest 400m Score B – Total 2000m time Score C – Total elapsed time, including...Read More