Monday, October 12th, is the last day to sign up for the Fitness Challenge and the Nutrition Challenge! Conditioning: “Time with the Girls” Angie’s House 20 Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 20 Sit-ups 20 Squats Helen’s House 400m Run 21 Kettlebell swings (53/35)(45/30) 12 Pull-ups Fran’s House 15 Thruster (95/63)(80/53) 15 Pull-ups Nancy’s...Read More
Monday, October 12th, is the last day to sign up for the Fitness Challenge and the Nutrition Challenge! Skill: 0:20 Parallette Tuck Hold Rest 0:30 10 Wall facing shoulder taps Rest 0:40 5 Sets Conditioning: 10 Single arm dumbbell clean and jerk (50/35) 25′ Single arm overhead dumbbell walking lunges (right arm) 0:30 Hollow...Read More
No Tuesday 0515 class this week. All other classes are normal. We apologize for any inconvenience. Monday, October 12th, is the last day to sign up for the Fitness Challenge and the Nutrition Challenge! Endurance: 175m Hill Sprint Rest 3:00 4 rounds for total sprint time Conditioning: Perform 3 rounds of: 20...Read More
This Friday, Oct 9th, is the last day to sign up for the Fitness Challenge and the Nutrition Challenge! Skill: 7 Ring rows (straps crossed) 7 Push-ups (focus on hollow position) Rest 1:30 4 Sets Strength and Conditioning: 10 Power clean & jerk (125/83) 15 Deadlifts (225/153) Rest 1:30 10 Power clean & jerk...Read More
MP CrossFit Nutrition Challenge and Fitness Challenge starts Oct 12th! Contact Coach Jimmy or Coach Sarah for more info. Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 2 Min AMCAP row …2 minute rest, then… 2 rounds for time of: 20 Wallball shots (25/16) @ (10/9) 40 Sit-ups 60ft Walking lunges 80 Speed skips …2 minute...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD, alternating exercises 20 Min AMRAP: Run 2 x 200m 4 Strict pull-ups 6 Deadlifts (275/185) 8 Alternating pistols 10 GHDs 30 Double unders For score Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Strength/Conditioning: 20 Unbroken thrusters (75/53)* Rest 1-3 minutes 3 sets for total time (10 min cap) Rest 7 minutes then… E2MOM for 10 Minutes perform 2 Front Squats** *Pick the heaviest thruster weight you can do in order to perform the thrusters unbroken **Front squat percentages each set: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%,...Read More
General Warmup: Run 400m/Row 500m 10 Samsons 10 Army T-pushups 10 Sit-ups 10 Squats 10 Ring rows Bike 2:00 10m Walking lunges (forward) 10m Walking lunges (backwards) 40m Double kettlebell waiters walk 20m D-ball carry 10 Windmills 10 PVC Passovers Endurance/Bike Skill Work: 1 Min bike for max calories using only arms 1 Min...Read More
Conditioning: Row 800m 10 Power Snatches (95/63) 15 Toes-2-Bar Run 600m 20 Squat Cleans (95/63) 25 Bar-Over-Burpees Row 400m 30 Shoulder to Overhead (95/63) 35 Box Jumps (24/20″) Run 200m 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 45 Sit-ups For Time Compare to Saturday, 21 September 2019 Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Partner WOD 2 Min AMCAP row Rest 2 min, then: 8 Min AMRAP (equal work) of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Sit-ups 10 Wallball push-ups 20 Stationary alternating lunges Rest 2 min, then 2 Min AMCAP bike For time and total calories Strength: Option 1: Make up or redo 1-rep max Or…...Read More