Skill: 1-minute Handstand hold 10 Strict Pull-ups 30 Single Jump Rope 2 rounds for quality Conditioning: Partner WODs “O’ Happy Tuesday” WOD 1: 12:00 Cap 2K Row Max Rep Burpees As a team, row 2000 meters. Then perform as many Burpees in the remaining time as possible. Only one partner working...Read More
2015 Judges Course is still available Strength: Bench Press 1-rep max For max load Conditioning: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes perform: 1 Power Clean (95% 1RM) 10m Sprint 3 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 10m Sprint 2 Burpees* For Score *On last minute, perform as many burpees as possible. Last minute...Read More
Conditioning: “Death by Triple Play” Death by Box Jumps (24/20″) 1 on minute 1, 2 on minute 2, and so on… …Rest 5 minutes Death by Hand-release Push-ups (by 2’s) 2 on minute 1, 4 on minute 2, and so on… …Rest 5 minutes Death by Sit-ups (by 3’s) 3 on...Read More
Saturday class is a Cancer benefit WOD held at Vertical CrossFit, 1660 East 71st Street, Suite O, Tulsa, OK 74136. WOD’s will be started every hour from 0900 to 1300. Warm-up for the first WOD will start at 0830. Strength: Deadlift 1-rep max Conditioning: Every Minute On the Minute perform: 10 Double Unders...Read More
Click here to register for Masters Functional Fitness League (MFFL) Class will be held at 0900, located at the Memorial High School track at 55th & Hudson. MFFL 2.2 & 2.3 “Run For Your Life” EMOM for 5:00 perform: 100m Sprint Post slowest time …Rest 10:00 “Munson Mile” 13 Plate Burpees...Read More
Skill: Incline Rows 5-5-5-5 *Perform 40 Double Unders after each set Conditioning: “Cleaning and Swinging” Every minute on the minute for 7 minutes perform: 20 meter sprint 2 Power Cleans* 2 Front Squats …Rest 9:00 Perform the following: 20-15-10 Meters of Walking Lunges** Kettlebell Swings (70/53) For Time (7:00 cap)...Read More