Strength: Deadlift Every 75 seconds perform 2 connected reps Start at 25%, and add ∼10% of 1RM after the first 5 sets. Then add ∼5% for any remaining sets until failure. For max load Conditioning: “Fun With Fran” 15 Thrusters + 15 Pull-Ups + 15 Thrusters Rest until clock says 5:00* 12...Read More
Skill: Bike Sprints* 30 sec on/60 sec off *All out for first 30 sec using arms and legs, rest 60 sec. Then all out for 30 sec using legs only, rest 60 sec. Finally all out for 30 sec using arms only, rest 60 sec. 3 rounds for max calories Conditioning: Complete as many...Read More
Strength: Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3-3* For max load *Pause between each rep as to have a dead start every rep. Do not connect reps. Conditioning: 20-10-5 rep rounds of: Front Squats (115/73) Toes-2-Bar Deadlift (225/143) Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups For time (15:00 cap) Only use one bar. Change weights each round. Mobility: Sink Mobilization...Read More
Class schedule for next week: December 31 – 0530 and 0900 classes only, January 01 closed, January 03 – normal schedule. Conditioning: 4-person Team WOD “Why do I do this?” Buy-in: 400 Single Unders …then… 20 Handstand Push-ups* 30 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14 ) @ (10/9′) 40 Alternating Box Jumps (20″) 50 Sumo Deadlift High...Read More
Class schedule for next week: December 31 – 0530 and 0900 classes only, January 01 closed, January 02 – normal schedule. Conditioning: 200m Run 80 Sit-ups Slammers (12/8) @ 2m 300m Row 30 Fat Bar Deadlifts (220/150) 1000m Bike 50 Plate-facing Burpees 500m Row 30 Overhead Squats (115/75) 600m Bike 80 Double Unders 200m...Read More
Wednesday class will ONLY be at 0900. Conditioning: “Merry, Merry Christmas” 3-person Team Part 1a: 7 Worm Push-ups* …then perform remainder of 5:00 AMRAP** of: 20 Front Squats (135/93) 30 Pull-ups 40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 50 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9′) Part 1b: Max Calories Rowed in 5:00 2 rounds for score -On round...Read More