Endurance: Every 8 minutes on the minutes: Row 1000m 5 Rounds for quality of pacing* * Goal is negative splits each 1000m Core Accessory Work: 0:30 Side plank (right) 0:30 Rest 0:30 Side plank (left) 0:30 Rest 3 Sets Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 20 Handstand push-ups 40 Pull-ups 60 Overhead squats (125/83) 40 GHD sit-ups 20 Bar over burpees 2 Rounds for time (30:00 cap) …Rest 3:00 then… 3:00 Partner ski for calories For total score Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Join us today for a FREE class! There are progressions/modifications for everyone’s ability. Conditioning: On an 8:00 clock… 3 Rope climbs (12′) 6 Double dumbbell clusters (2x 50/35) 3 rounds then… Max calories biked in remaining time …Rest 2:00 min… On an 8:00 clock… 10 Box jumps (30/24”) 10 Push-ups 3 rounds...Read More
Join us for a FREE class tomorrow! Endurance: Partner WOD, equal work required: 2:00 bike for calories 2:00 ski for calories 2:00 row for calories 2:00 rest 4 Rounds for time and total calories Accessory Work: 12 Dumbbell floor press* 3 Sets for quality *athlete can build in weight each set, or stay...Read More
We will have one class time today at 0930. Join us this Wednesday for a FREE class! Conditioning: “Laboring Through 2021” 3-person Team WOD As many rounds as possible in 2021 seconds of: 9 Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10/9) 10 Dumbbell snatches (50/35) 9 Box jump overs (20″) 10 Half-tacos 9 Plate-facing burpees For total rounds...Read More
Join us this Monday at 0930 for a Labor Day WOD! This will be the only class time on Monday. Conditioning: Partner WOD (equal work) “Ghost” 40 Wall-ball (20/14) @ (10/9’) 30 Toes-2-bar 3 rounds for time (10:00 cap) …rest and warm-up* lifts in 15:00, then… “Roadhouse” Complete as many rounds* and reps...Read More
Conditioning: 25/20 Cal bike 20 GHD sit-ups 25’ Handstand walk 20 Double dumbbell front squats (2 x 50/35) 25′ Handstand walk 20 D-Ball squats (100/80) 25′ Handstand walk 2 Rounds for time Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Conditioning: 1:00 Row for calories 0:30 Rest 1:00 Burpees 0:30 Rest 1:00 Double-unders 0:30 Rest 6 Rounds for score, no additional rest between rounds Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Partner WOD 1-mile partner run 100-ft handstand walk 1000m Row 100 Burpees 3000m Bike 100-ft handstand walk 1-mile partner run For time Instructions: On both runs, team members must run together holding a rope. Each member must have a hand on the rope at all times when the team is moving. On...Read More