Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Strength: 2022 Legends Masters Competition Online Qualifier WOD 22.6 Snatch Ladder 1 Snatch EMOM until failure* Rx starts at (155/103) Scaled starts at (75/53) *Male athletes add 10# every minute, female athletes add 5# every minute. Athletes may have assistance in changing weight **Specific age group starting loads will...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: Partner WOD Partner A: 200m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks from rack (185/125) Partner B: 200m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks from rack (185/125) …Rest 1:00 then… Partner A: 400m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks from rack (185/125) Partner B: 400m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Skill: Accessory/ Shoulder Warm-Up: “Shoulder Blaster” 10 Side lying shoulder flexion* 10 Side lying shoulder adduction* 10 Side lying external rotation* 2 sets/side *Weight used is the same for all movements, all rounds. Suggested weight is between 1#-5# plate. Start lighter than you think. If you complete one...Read More
Strong work to all the members who participated in the 2022 Fitness Challenge! Here are the winners…. Rx men: Henry Smith Rx Women: Michelle Millstead 55+ Men: John Grace 55+ Women: Vernice Bersche Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: 25/20 Calories biked 20 D-ball cleans (100/70) 30 Shoulder to overhead (95/63) 40/32 Calories...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: Buy-in: MPCF Board WOD/Fitness Challenge WOD 500m Row For time …rest 4-minutes, then… 12 Burpees-over-bar 6 Thrusters (135/93) Rest 1:00 3 rounds for time …rest 4-minutes, then… Sell-out: 1000m Bike For total time Compare to Wednesday, 06 April 2022 Post results and experiences to...Read More
Congratulations to Coach Sarah, Michelle, and Coach Christa for their hard work and effort this past weekend at Monster Games!! You represented MP Nation superbly!! Ape Strong!! Come join the MP family this Saturday for a FREE WOD at 0900!! No CrossFit experiences needed. Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD and Fitness Challenge WOD Max reps...Read More