
Partner WOD
Night class is canceled. Power outage update: Power is still out at the gym. Here are the two plans moving forward… Option 1 – Power restored: Once power is restored, the following day will be as normal. Option 2 – Power remains out til Saturday: Tuesday-noon class only Wednesday-0845,noon,1730 classes only Thursday-closed Friday-0845,noon,1730 classes only...
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Join us this Friday, 09 June, at any class time for FREE! No fitness experience needed!   Conditioning: Partner WOD* 400m Ski 20 Wall-walks 30 Hang power cleans (95/63) 1000m Row 40 Toes-to-bar 50 Burpees-over-bar 200 Double unders 60 Kettlebell swings (53/35) 60 Sit-ups 2000m Bike 50m Plate overhead walking lunges (45/35) 40 Pull-ups 1000m...
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Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 3000m Bike …immediately into… 6 Rounds (partners alternate rounds) of: 12 Deadlifts (155/103) 9 Hang power cleans 6 Shoulder-to-overhead   …then 2000m Row …immediately into… 4 Rounds (partners alternate rounds) of: 12 Deadlifts (155/103) 9 Hang power cleans 6 Shoulder-to-overhead   …finally sell-out with… 100 Double-unders   For time (30:00...
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  Conditioning: Murph Prep (Partner Style) Run 800m* …then with alternating rounds, perform… 10 rounds* of: 5 Pull-up 10 Push-ups 15 Squats …then…. Run 800m* …then with alternating exercises, perform… 10 rounds* of: 5 Pull-up 10 Push-ups 15 Squats …then…. Run 800m*   For time (40:00 cap) *Instructions/Options: On 1st run, partners run complete distance...
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Join us this Memorial Day, 29 May, for our annual Hero WOD and potluck!   Skill: 0:30 Wall-facing handstand hold (nose and toes) 0:30 Rest 0:30 Hollow hold 0:30 Rest   5 Sets for quality   Conditioning: Partner WOD As many reps as possible in 3:00 of the following: 75 Double-unders (each partner, at the...
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Join us TODAY at any class time for FREE! No fitness experience needed! Scaling and progression options will be posted at gym. Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 60 Front squats (135/93) 20 Wall walks 48 Front squats 16 Wall walks 36 Front squats 12 Wall walks 24 Front squat 8 Wall walks 12 Front...
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Join us this Friday, 19 May, at any class time for FREE! No fitness experience needed!   Conditioning: 10/8 Calories biked 6 Power Snatches (75/53) 4 T-Push ups 10/8 Calories Rowed 6 GHD sit-ups 4 Shoulder Press (75/53)   2 rounds for time (7:00 cap)   Strength: Snatch 1-rep max Compare to Monday, 13 June...
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Join us this Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 0900 for a free trial class! No CrossFit experience needed!!   Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 60 Calories biked 20 Strict handstand push-ups 60 Calories rowed 30 Dumbbell snatches (70/50) 60 Calories skied 40 Burpee box jump overs (24/20)   2 Rounds for time (30:00 time...
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Join us this Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 0900 for a free trial class! No CrossFit experience needed!!   Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 2 Handstand Push-ups 4 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 6 Burpees 8 V-ups 10/8 Calories biked   For Score   Strength: Hang Power Clean 1-Rep...
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Join us this Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 0900 for a free trial class! No CrossFit experience needed!!   Conditioning: Partner WOD 100* Synchronized hang squat cleans (75/53) *Every time you break, perform: 10 Box jumps (30/24″) 20 Ring dips   For time (20:00 cap) *The box jumps and ring dips are equal reps between...
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