
Partner WOD
Great family photo for the Tavares and Jodie send-off! We love you guys! Join us this Saturday, August 26th, at 0900 for a FREE trial class! NO fitness experience is needed! Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at: Festivus Games October 2023   Conditioning: Partner WOD Midwest Fall Classic WOD 1,...
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Join us today Friday, 18 August, at any class time for FREE! No fitness experience is needed!   Conditioning: Festivus October 2023 Partner WODs #3 and #4 “Toss it, I’m Over it!”* (#3) Row for calories in 13-minutes† …simultaneously… Complete as many rounds and reps† as possible in 13-minutes of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Floor press...
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Join us this Saturday, 12 August, at 0900 for FREE! No fitness experience is needed! Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 30 Calories skied 30 Front squats (155/103) 20 Calories skied 20 Front squats (155/103)   For time (7:00 cap)   Rest 7-minutes and then…   Partner WOD, partners alternate exercises 21 Box jump overs...
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Join us this Friday, 04 August, at any class time for FREE! No fitness experience is needed!   Skill (Partner): 20/16 Rope climbs* (13-ft)   For time *Equal work   Conditioning (Partner): Complete as many rounds* and reps as possible in 15-minutes of: 500m Row/400m Run 10 Power cleans (155/103) 10 Synchro bar-facing-burpees   For score...
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Join us today, Saturday, 29 July, at 0900 for FREE! No fitness experience is needed!   Conditioning: Partner WOD 400m Farmer’s walk (2 x 50/35) 80 Squats/Plank hold 70 Pull-ups/Superman hold 60 Sit-ups/Wall sit hold 50 Burpees/Static hang 40 Ground-to-overhead (95/63)/Handstand hold 30 Deadlifts (225/153)/Hollow hold 200m Farmer’s walk (2 x 50/35)   For time...
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Join us this Saturday, 29 July, at 0900 for FREE! No fitness experience needed!   Conditioning: Partner WOD Buy-in: 4 x 250m Row Sprints For Time   …rest 2:00, then…   2 Rounds of… 20 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 30 Box Jumps (30/24″) 40 Single-arm dumbbell thrusters (50/35) 30 Toes-to-bar 20 Front Squats (135/93)   …rest 2:00,...
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Join us this Saturday, 15 July, at 0900 for FREE! No fitness experience needed!   Endurance: Partner WOD* 0:30 on, 0:30 off* x 4 1:00 on, 1:00 off* x 3 2:00 on, 2:00 off* x 2 1:00 on, 1:00 off* x 3 0:30 on, 0:30 off* x 4 Rest 2:00 1:00* ALL OUT!   For...
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Join us today, Saturday, 01 July, at 0900 for FREE! No fitness experience needed!   Strength: Shoulder Press 5 Shoulder press* + 10 double dumbbell push press* 5 Shoulder press + 8 double dumbbell push press* 5 Shoulder press + 6 double dumbbell push press* 5 Shoulder press + 4 double dumbbell push press* 5...
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Power outage update: Power is still out at the gym. Here are the two plans moving forward… Option 1 – Power restored: Once power is restored, the following day will be as normal. Option 2 – Power remains out until Saturday: Friday-0845,noon,1730 classes only Saturday-Murph at 0900 With option 2 be advised there is NO...
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Power outage update: Power is still out at the gym. Here are the two plans moving forward… Option 1 – Power restored: Once power is restored, the following day will be as normal. Option 2 – Power remains out til Saturday: Wednesday-0845,noon,1730 classes only Thursday-closed Friday-0845,noon,1730 classes only Saturday-Murph at 0900 With option 2 be...
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