
Partner WOD
  Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps, alternating exercises, in 5-minutes of: 16 Crossover singles 8 GHD sit-ups 4 Burpees   …Rest 3-minutes, then…   Complete as many rounds and reps, alternating exercises, in 5-minutes of: 2 Rope climbs 4 Goblet squats (72/53) 8/6 Calories biked   For Score   Strength: Every...
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Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 1,500m Ski for time   …Rest 3:00 and then…   20 Rounds, partners alternate exercises, of: 5 Strict pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air squats   For time   …Rest 3:00 and then…   3,000m Bike for time     Post results and experiences to comments
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Join us today, Saturday, Dec 9th at 9 am for a FREE class! Join us this evening, Dec 9th at 6 pm for our Annual Christmas Potluck Party!   Conditioning: Partner WOD Buy-in: 40 D-ball cleans (100/70)   …then… 10 rounds* for time of: 5 Handstand push-ups 5 Squat cleans (155/103) 5 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 5...
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Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 60 Calories skied 40 D-ball cleans (100/70) 20 Wall-walks 60 Calories biked 40 Double dumbbell thrusters (2 x 50/35) 200 Double unders 60 Calories rowed 40 Burpee box jump overs (20″) 20 Devil’s presses (2 x 50/35)   For time (35:00 cap)     Post results and experiences to...
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We will be closed Thanksgiving Day. One class at 0900 on Friday, 24 Nov. Join us this Saturday, 25 Nov, for a FREE class at 0900! No experience needed and everyone welcome!   Endurance: Partner WOD As many calories and reps as possible in 30-minutes of the following: 10 Box jumps (24/20″) 10 Kettlebell swings...
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Join us this Saturday, 11 Nov at 0900 for a FREE workout! No fitness experience is needed and everyone is welcome! Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the Chad 1000x Fundraiser Strength: Hang power snatch with 3-second pause above knee 3 @ 55% of 1-Rm snatch 3 @ 60% 2 @ 65% 2...
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Join us Friday, 03 Nov at any class time for a FREE workout! No fitness experience is needed and everyone is welcome! Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the Chad 1000x Fundraiser No night class Tuesday, 31 October. Sorry for any inconvenience   Skill: 0:20 L-hang from bar 0:30 Rest 1 Wall walk...
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Join us this Saturday, October 28th. at 0900 for a FREE workout! Everyone is invited, and no fitness experience is needed! Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the Chad 1000x Fundraiser   Conditioning: Partner WOD* With a 40-minute clock, perform: Max rep box step-ups (20″)*   For score *One person working at a...
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Join us this Saturday, October 28th. at 0900 for a FREE workout! Everyone is invited, and no fitness experience is needed! Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the Chad 1000x Fundraiser   Conditioning: Partner OR Individual WOD 3 Rounds for time of: 8 Synchro deadlifts (225/153) 8 Synchro bar muscle ups   …Rest...
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Congratulation to MP’s Justin Carpenter and Brian Flynn for competing at Midwest Fall Classic! Ape Strong! Join us this Friday, October 20th for FREE at any class time! No fitness experience needed! Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the Chad 1000x Fundraiser Conditioning: Partner WOD* 50 Double dumbbell box step overs (2 x...
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