
Partner WOD
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! All classes are normal. If you can get to the gym, it will be open! “Galentine’s WOD” this Saturday the 20th at 5:30pm! All ladies invited!   Skill: 10 Parallette shootthroughs 1:00 Rest 7 Parallette push-ups...
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Ape flashback to February 2012 Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE!   Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 2 Min AMCAP bike …2 minute rest, then 2 rounds of… 20 Wallball shots (25/16) @ (10/9) 40 Sit-ups 60ft Walking lunges 80 Speed skips...
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE!   Skill: Hollow roll to arch hold (3 each direction) 1:00 Rest 10 Double dumbbell maltese press 1:00 Rest   4 Sets   Endurance: Partner WOD (600/500/400) Calories rowed* For time (30:00 cap)   *M/M pairs...
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. “Bring-a-Friend Friday” Skill Work: 4 Negative push-ups with 4 sec count down Rest 1:00   4 Sets for quality   Conditioning: Partner WOD* 1:00 work at each station, with 0:30 transition: Double dumbbell thrusters (50/35) Calories on rower Wall-ball sit-up throws Calories ski erg...
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE!   Skill Work: 4 Negative pull-ups w/ 4-sec count down Rest 1:00   5 Sets for quality   Endurance: Partner WOD Bike 300 calories   For time     Post results and experiences to comments
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps, alternating exercises, in 3 minutes of: 25 Double Unders 10 Sit-ups 10 Burpees   …Rest 2 minutes, then… Complete as many rounds and reps, alternating exercises, in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans to Overhead...
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of*: 2 Rope climbs 8 GHD sit-ups 8 Cleans (155/103) 8 Alternating pistols 8 Pull-ups 8 Deadlifts (265/173)   For score *On round 2, double the reps of each exercise...
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. This Friday is “Bring -a-Friend”! For every first-time person you bring, your name will be entered into a drawing for 5 free cans of Fitaid. And if your friend signs up, you win a free month of tuition!! One month for each friend that...
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Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd.   Conditioning: Partner WOD, one athlete working at a time: 3 Rounds* of: Wall-ball volleyball throws Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35) Wall-ball sit-up throws Ski erg for max calories Kettlebell swings (53/35) Row for max calories Box step ups (20″) Bike for max calories 2:00...
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Conditioning: Perform 1:00 work with 0:30 rest/transition at each of the following stations: Toes to bar Squat cleans (155/103) Calories rowed Box Jumps (24/20”) Dumbbell snatches (50/35)   3 rounds for total reps   At-home Conditioning WOD: Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes, perform the following: Odd minutes: 15 Alternating dumbbell snatches Even minutes:...
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