
Partner WOD
Join us tomorrow, 29 January, for a FREE drop-in! No CrossFit experience needed!   Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required As many rounds and reps in 15 minutes of: 50 Double-unders 40 Calories biked 30 Sit-up slammers (12/8)@(2m) 20 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 Squat snatches (115/73)   For score   Strength: Snatch 9 reps @ 35%...
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2022 CrossFit Games Open Registration CLICK HERE CrossFit Judges course CLICK HERE Conditioning: Partner WOD 10 Bar muscle-ups 60 Wall-ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′) 40 Power cleans (95/63) 100 Double-unders 40 Power cleans (95/63) 60 Wall-ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′) 10 Bar muscle-ups   For time (20:00 cap)   Strength: Overhead Squat 11 @ 35% 1-RM 10 @ 45% 9 @...
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Join us for a FREE WOD today at any of the following class times: 0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, 1730   Conditioning: Partner WOD 100 Double unders 90 Sit-ups 80 Calories rowed 70 Box overs (20″) 60 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/63) 50 Calories biked 40 Burpees-over-bar 30 Pull-ups 20 Calories skied 100m Wall-ball overhead walking lunges (20/14)  ...
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Happy New Year from all the coaches at MP CrossFit!!   Conditioning: Partner WOD* Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of: 20 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35) 22 Box jump overs (20″) 20 Burpees 22 Toes-2-bar   For score   …rest 5-minutes, then… Complete as many reps as possible in 6-minutes of:...
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Endurance: Partner WOD 20:00 Row for max meters*   *Partners must switch out on the rower every two minutes While one partner is rowing for max meters the other partner is working on the following to accumulate total reps.  Each round consists of each athlete rowing for 2:00 and performing the exercise listed below for...
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Join us this Friday for a FREE WOD!   Conditioning: Partner WOD 60 Single arm devil presses (50/35) 40 Dumbbell box step ups (24/20″)(50/35) 20 Rope climbs (12′) 40 Alternating arm dumbbell push-ups 400-ft Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunges (50/35)*   For time (35:00 cap)   *Special instructions: Equal work required, one person working...
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Join us this Friday, December 10th at 1800 for our Christmas Party potluck!   Skill: Pull-ups 3 reps every 0:20 for 6 minutes   For quality   Endurance: Partner WOD, equal work required From 0:00 to 5:00… 2400m* Bike Max burpees in remaining time   …Rest 2:00 then…   From 7:00 to 12:00… 2400m* Bike...
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Join us TODAY at 0900 for a FREE class! Everyone is welcome! Skill Work: Pistol Conditioning Pole assisted one-legged static hold 0:30 Right 0:30 Rest 0:30 Left 0:30 Rest   3 Rounds for quality   Then immediately into…   20 Straight legged lifts over kettlebell (10/side) 1:00 Rest   3 Rounds for quality   Conditioning:...
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Black Friday will have two WOD times, 0900 and 1200. Saturday class is normal time.   “Black Friday” Partner WOD 20 Clean and Jerks* (175/115) 40 Handstand Push-ups 600m Run (partner A only)* 80 Wall-Ball Volleyball Tosses* (20/16/14) @ 8′ 200 Double Unders 80 Wall-Ball Throws (20/16/14) @ 5m 600m Run (partner B only)* 40...
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Important notice for Thanksgiving week: Classes are normal Monday through Wednesday. MP will be closed on Thursday in observation of Thanksgiving. Black Friday will have two WOD times, 0900 and 1200 (Please sign up for which one you plan to attend). Saturday class is normal time.   Endurance: Partner WOD* 8000m Bike 4000m Row 2000m...
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