Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Conditioning: Buy-in: 1000m Row For time …rest 5 minutes, then… 24 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 16 Barbell push-ups 8 Overhead squats (135/93)* Rest 1:00 3 rounds for time *no racks, must be taken from the ground …rest 5 minutes, then…...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Friend Friday is this week! Start asking your friends! Endurance: Buy in: Row 12 calories (all out) For time …rest 5:00 then… Every 2 minutes on the minute: Row 12 calories* 12 rounds for time, maintaining pacing goal *Goal is to increase...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Bring-a-Friend WOD this Friday, March 5th! Endurance: MPCF Board WOD 1000m Row For time …Rest 10:00 then… Partner up and perform: 100/90/80 Calories on the rower* 100/90/80 Calories on the ski erg 200 Double-unders ...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Endurance: Row 1 minute at 6:00 test pace Row 1 minute at slow, recovery pace No additional rest between rounds 7 rounds for quality Strength: 20 Power clean and jerks (135/93) 15 Power...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Skill Work: 7 Ring rows with straps crossed 7 Perfect push-ups 1:00 Rest 4 Sets for quality Endurance: 3:00 Bike at recovery pace 0:30 Transition 3:00 Row at moderate-hard pace* 1:00 Rest 5 rounds for total meters rowed *pace should be...Read More
Come join us at our new temporary home, 6024 S. Sheridan Rd! This week’s class schedule: Monday – Wednesday are normal (0530,0630,0845,1200,1730) No classes Thursday 0900 class on Friday ONLY Saturday 0900. Endurance: 2 rounds of: 0:30 Max cal assault bike 1:00 Rest 0:30 Max cal row 1:00 Rest 0:30 Max reps* 1:00 Rest *Kettlebell...Read More
Conditioning: On a 12 minute clock, 100/80 Cal Row Max freestanding handstand* Total score is row time minus handstand hold time *If performing freestanding handstand, subtract 100% from row time *If performing nose and chest to wall handstand progression, subtract 60% of time *If performing back to wall handstand progression, subtract 50% of time...Read More
Skill: 3-person team Row 6000m* For Time *Each TM will row: 1000m, 500m, 250m, 250m Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 11-minutes of: 7 Perfect Push-ups 8 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 9 GHD Sit-ups 10 Overhead Walking Lunges (50/35) Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
0530 & 0630 classes canceled for Friday and Monday. Sorry for any inconvenience. Conditioning: “Put a little love in it” 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Push-ups Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Knees-to Elbows Overhead Squats (65/45) Box Jumps (24/20″) Pull-ups Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) Run 400m* For Time Compare to Saturday, 29 February 2020 *Run 400m...Read More
Sprint: MPCF Board WOD Row 500m For Time Compare to Wednesday, 19 February 2020 Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 2 Bar muscle-ups 6 Handstand push-ups 8 Hollow rocks 300m Run For score (run is worth 1 point per 25m) Post results and experiences...Read More