
  Skill: Headstand Hold 5 x 30 seconds Between sets, perform 30 Speed Skips   For Quality     Conditioning: “Steppin & Reppin” 40 reps Box Jumps (24/20″) 40 Reps Ketlebell Swings (53/35) 40 Reps Overhead Squats (85/53)   Run 200m    30 Reps Box Jumps (24/20″) 30 Reps Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Reps Overhead...
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  Skill WOD: Perform 40 reps, 20 each leg of: 1-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift Crossover     Conditioning WOD: 15-12-9 rep rounds of: Kettlebell Push-ups Box Jumps (37/30″) GHD Sit-ups   For Time Compare to Saturday, 07 December 2013     Mobility: Pick any 3 stretches from the MWOD posters     Post time, stretches, and...
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  Strength: Clean and Jerk 1-rep max   For Max Load     Conditioning: “Drive On” 200m Run 20 Body Blasters 200m Row 20 Double Unders   3 rounds for time     Flexibility: 15 Sit-ups to Pike Pike Stretch – 2:00 15 Sit-ups to Straddle Straddle Stretch – 2:00     Post Load, Time,...
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  Skill: Hinge Rows 3 x 5* Incline Rows 3 x 5*   *In between sets, perform 25 Double Unders   For Quality     Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 24:00 of: 200m Run 16 Box Overs (24/20″) 12 Hand-Release Push-ups 8 Toes-2-Bar   For Score     Mobility: Banded Olympic Wall...
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  Strength: Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 @ 60% 1RM   For Quality     Conditioning: “Back in the Game” 12 Back Squats (175/113) 9 GHD Sit-ups 60 Speed Skips 200m Run   4 rounds for time Compare to Monday, 11 November 2013     Flexibility: Right leg split, 2 minutes Left leg split, 2 minutes Couch stretch,...
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  Skill: Handstand Holds 5 x 20 seconds   For Quality     Conditioning: “Under Construction” 20 Calories Rowed 15 Pull-ups 200m Run 15 Burpees   4 rounds for time     Mobility: Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00 Lateral Opener – 2:00 per side Hip capsule – 2:00 per side     Post time and...
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Strength: Push Press 3-3-3-3-3   For Max Load     Conditioning: 25 Push-Ups 15 Snatches (75/50) 15 Box Jumps (30/24″) 25 Sit-Ups 400m Run   4 rounds For time   Post time to comments Compare to Wednesday, 17 July 2013     Mobility: Single Leg Flexion – 2:00 per leg Banded Bully – 2:00 per...
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  Skill: Practice 15 minutes on: Pistol Progression 1 Pistol Progression 2 Pistol Progression 3 Pistol Progression 4   For Quality     Conditioning: Pick One: MPCF Board WOD’s “Lola” 30 Double Unders 20 Knees-2-Elbows 10 Handstand Push-ups   5 rounds for time Compare to Tuesday, 21 August 2012   …Or   “Helen” Run 400m...
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  Skill: Practice 10:00 on: Handstand Progressions   For Quality     Strength: Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3   For Max Load     Conditioning: “Only Time” 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Deadlifts (225/150) T Push-ups V-ups 200m Run   For Time     Mobility: Hip Capsule Stretch – 2:00 per leg Overhead with external bias – 2:00...
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Post “300”!   Strength: Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3   For Max Load     Conditioning: “All of Me” 10 Handstand Push-ups 20 Squats 30 Double Unders 20 Abmat Sit-ups 10 Kettlebell Push-ups …rest 2 minute   4 rounds for time Give your “All” each round.     Flexibility: Test Pike Sit Hamstring Floss – 2:00 per...
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