Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Fran” 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Thrusters (95/63) Pull-ups For Time Compare to Wednesday, 23 January 2019 Skill: 0:20 Hollow Hold into 10 Hollow Rocks 0:30 Rest 0:20 Arch Hold into 10 Arch Rocks 1:00 Rest 5 Sets Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: “CrossFit Total-ish” Find max reps at 80% (of 1RM) of each of the following lifts: Back Squat Shoulder Press Deadlift For total reps and weight lifted Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend...Read More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend...Read More
Skill 1: 3/3 Hollow Rock to Arch (3 ea direction) 1:00 Rest 10 Double Dumbbell Maltese Press* 1:00 Rest 5 Sets *moderate weight, but each 10 should be done unbroken FC Skill challenge: Max reps single-unders 2 Attempts Strength: EMOM for 15 minutes: 1 Squat clean (70-75% of 1-rep clean)* For quality of...Read More
Skill: 0:30 Parallette Tuck Hold 0:30 Rest 1/1 Handstand Box Walk (1 rotation left plus 1 rotation right) 2:00 Rest 5 Sets Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Baseline” 500m Row 40 Squats 30 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups 10 Pull-ups For Time Compare to Monday, 06 May 2019 Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend the...Read More