
Join MP to celebrate our Independence Day with a FREE WOD on Monday, July 5, 2021 at 0930!! Family and friends are welcome to join or cheer you on! There will only be one class time on Monday, July 5th.    Skill: 4 Negative pull-ups w/ 4-sec count down Rest 1:00   5 sets for...
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Join MP to celebrate our Independence Day with a FREE WOD on Monday, July 5, 2021 at 0930!! Family and friends are welcome to join or cheer you on! There will only be one class time on Monday, July 5th.    Conditioning: 3-Person Team WOD As a team of 3, complete as many rounds and...
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Conditioning: 50/40 Calories rowed 5 Rope climbs 10 Devil presses (2×50/35) 50′ Double dumbbell overhead walking lunges (50/35)   For time (12:00 cap)   Strength: Front squats 11 @ 35% of 1-rm 9 @ 45% 11 @ 55% 9 @ 65% 11 @ 75%   For quality at each load. Work on cycling through big...
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Endurance: Bike 50/40 calories @ 90% 6-min pace 25 Burpees-over-bar Row 50/40 calories @ 90% 6-min pace Rest 2:00 Bike 40/32 calories @ 94% 6-min pace 30 Sit-ups Row 40/32 calories @ 94% 6-min pace Rest 2:00 Bike 30/24 calories @ 98% 6-min pace 25 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) Row 30/24 calories @ 98%...
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  Conditioning: Buy-in: 40/32 Calories ski erg …then… 10-20-30-40 rep rounds of: Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35) Calories rowed Sit-ups Calories biked   For score (20:00 min cap)   Strength: Power Snatch 7 @ 35% of 1-rm snatch 9 @ 45% 11 @55% 9 @65% 7 @ 75%   For quality at each load. Work on...
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Bring-a-Friend Wednesday Come join us for a free WOD! All class times are an option: 0530, 0630, 0845, 1200, 1730. Conditioning: “Giant Speed Jenga” As a group in partner groups, using a Jenga set with numbers 1-8 and blanks, perform the following: One at a time, large group members have 20 seconds to successfully pull...
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  Conditioning: Partner WOD Part 1: 6 alternating rounds for time of: 10 Shoulder-2-Overhead (95/63) 10 Toes-2-Bar (4:00 cap)   …rest until 6:00, then for total score… 2-minute AMRAP alternating exercises of: 3 Power Cleans (95/63) 3 Box Overs (24/20″) 6 Grasshoppers   rest 1:00 and adjust weight 2-minute AMRAP alternating exercises of: 2 Power...
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Great Memorial Day group to perform the team version of “The Seven”!   Conditioning: Perform 1:00 work at each of the following: Double dumbbell push press (2×50/35) Row for calories V-ups Double-unders Double dumbbell box step ups (2×50/35) Rest   2 rounds for total score, no additional rest between rounds   Strength/Skill: At 70% of...
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  Join us Memorial Day at 0930 for a Hero WOD and BBQ!   A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott...
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Join us on Memorial Day at 0930 for a Hero WOD, and then FREE BBQ by Blowin’ Smoke Bar-B-Q! Friends, family, and first timers are welcome to join!   Conditioning: Partner WOD As many reps as possible in 20:00 of* 7 Burpees 6/4 Calories biked 3 Right-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) 3 Left-arm...
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