Join us Memorial Day at 0930 for a WOD and potluck lunch! Everyone is invited!
Partner WOD
30-20-10 rep* rounds of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)
Wall-ball shots (25/16)@(10/9′)
Calories biked
For time
(10:00 cap)
*Equal work required on each exercise
…Rest 3:00 then…
6 rounds* of:
7 Kettlebell deadlifts (2 x 97/62)
50′ Burpee broad jumps
For time
(8:00 cap)
*Partners alternate full rounds
…Rest 3:00 then…
8-6-4 rep rounds of:
Synchro bar muscle-ups
Synchro alternating dumbbell hang power clean (70/50)
Synchro alternating pistols
For time
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