Classes are normal on Wednesday. Gym closed on Thursday. Classes at 0900 and 1200 on Friday. Strength: Snatch-grip Deadlift 2-rep max For max load Conditioning: “Thank Goodness!” 1000m Row …then 2 rounds of: 25 Pull-ups 10 Tire Flips (210/180) 50 Sledge Swings (10/8) 30 Slammers (12/8) 400m Run …then 25 Burpees...Read More
Skill: Practice 10 minutes on: Hollow Body position holds 4 x 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off Hollow Body rocks 4 x 10 High Plank Variations – 1 arm up holds: 10 seconds each arm – 1 arm, 1 leg opposite sides up: 10 seconds each variation – 1 arm, 1 leg same side...Read More
Strength: Snatch* 5 reps @ 60% 1RM 3 reps @ 70% 1+ reps @ 80%** For max reps at 80% *These are squat snatches. Catch/receive the bar at the bottom of the squat. **At 80%, reps need to be consecutive. Drop and re-grip is okay, with no more than a 2...Read More
Strength: Front Squat 1-rep max For Max Load Compare to Friday, 11 July 2014 Conditioning: “No Pain, No Gain” 4 Power Clean (155/103) 8 GHD Sit-ups 12 Burpee Box Overs (24/20″) 16 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) …Rest 2:00* 3 rounds for time *Go ALL OUT each round ...Read More
Skill: “Jump Everybody Jump” 200 Singles 150 Speed Skips 100 Double Unders 150 Speed Skips 200 Singles For Time 12:00 cap Compare to Monday, 10 June 2013 Conditioning: “I’m your Huckleberry” 10 Strict/Dead Hanging Pull-ups 20 Shoulder Press (65/45) 300m Row 4 rounds for time Compare to Tuesday, 05 November 2013...Read More
Strength: Thruster 1-rep max For max load Compare to Tuesday, 10 June 2014 Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes of: 4 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95/63) 4 Bar-Over Burpees 4 Power Snatches 400m Run For Score Mobility: Lateral Opener – 2:00/side Posterior Chain Floss – 2:00/side Anterior...Read More
Strength: Hang Power Clean 1-rep max For Max Load Compare to Wednesday, 18 December 2013 Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 9:00 of: 300m Run 20 Slammers (12/8) 10 Pull-ups 5 Handstand Push-ups …Rest 2-minutes Complete as many rounds as possible in 7:00 of: 200m Run 10 Pull-ups 5 Handstand...Read More
Click here to register for Masters Functional Fitness League (MFFL) Strength: MFFL WOD 2.5 Back Squat* Max reps in 3-minutes Racks are allowed *Weights [Age: (Rx weight)]: 49 & below: (155/105) 50-59: (135/85) 60-64: (115/65) 65+ & Scaled: (95/45) Conditioning: Exactly 5:00 after completion of SWOD, perform: 300m Run 25 Sit-ups 20...Read More