Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes, perform the following: Odd minutes: 3 Wall walks Even minutes: 10 Parallette facing burpees … Rest 4:00 then … Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes, perform the following: Odd minutes: 12/9 Calories biked Even minutes: 15 Wall ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) Strength:...Read More
Great Memorial Day group to perform the team version of “The Seven”! Conditioning: Perform 1:00 work at each of the following: Double dumbbell push press (2×50/35) Row for calories V-ups Double-unders Double dumbbell box step ups (2×50/35) Rest 2 rounds for total score, no additional rest between rounds Strength/Skill: At 70% of...Read More
Join us on Memorial Day at 0930 for a Hero WOD, and then FREE BBQ by Blowin’ Smoke Bar-B-Q! Friends, family, and first timers are welcome to join! Conditioning: Partner WOD 1:00 work at each of the following* Dumbbell squat snatches (50/35) Handstand walk Deadlift (275/183) Alternating single arm devils press (50/35) D-ball cleans...Read More
Skill: Ring muscle-up progressions For quality of work Conditioning: Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes, perform: Odd minutes: 15/12 Calories bike Even minutes: 9 Devil presses (35/25) For completion each minute and score* *Goal is to complete each minute before the turn of the following minute. If athlete fails to complete,...Read More
Conditioning: E2MOM for 10 Minutes: Row 12/9 cals 9 Sumo deadlift high pull (75/53) 7 Front squats (75/53) 5 Kettlebell swings (72/53) For score Strength: 1-rep max Clean For max load Compare to Wednesday, 15 January 2020 Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! CrossFit Judges course is live! Click HERE! Conditioning: Option 1: Every minute on the minute for 18 minutes (6 sets): 1: 5 Overhead squats (95/63) 2: 7 Deadlifts (225/153)* 3: 9 Pull-ups For quality *athlete...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! CrossFit Judges course is live! Click HERE! Conditioning: Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes (5 sets): 8 Power snatches (95/63) 8 Bar over burpees 8 GHD sit-ups AMRAP row/bike in remaining time* For score of total...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Bring-a-Friend WOD this Friday, March 5th! Skill: 5 Tempo double kettlebell L-sit strict press @ 3030 pace 1:00 Rest 5/5 Single arm dumbbell bent over rows w/ 3 sec pause at top 1:00 Rest 4...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Skill Work: 10 Hollow rocks 10 Arch raises 20 Hollow/arch swings on bar 1:00 Rest 4 Sets Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes: 1- 0:30 D-ball cleans (100/80) 2- 0:30 Kettlebell goblet squats (53/35) 3- 0:30 Double unders 4-...Read More