Online Judges Course: Click HERE Tuesday 0630 class is cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience. Endurance Skill: Row Sprints 4 minutes for calories Rest 4 minutes 3 minutes for calories Rest 3 minutes 2 minutes for calories Rest 2 minutes 1 minute for calories Rest 1 minute 30 seconds for calories For total calories Conditioning:...Read More
2019 CrossFit Games registration live! Click HERE Affiliate name: MP CrossFit Online Judges Course: Click HERE Strength: Hang Squat Clean 1-rep max Every 90 seconds, perform 1 rep. Start with an empty bar, No More Than 20% of 1RM HPC. Increase by 5% of HPC each round. Conditioning: “WOD 3” Row 250m 25 Snatches (75/53)...Read More
Conditioning: Calories Rowed GHD Sit-ups Power Cleans (135/93) Handstand Push-ups Zercher Sandbag Squats (70/40) 5 rounds for score Instructions: Perform as many reps as possible in one minute at each station, then rotate to next station. No rest between stations. One round is 5 stations in 5 minutes. Rest one minute between rounds,...Read More
Tara throwback from December 2014! Strength Drills: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes perform on cycle of: 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch high pull + 1 power snatch @ 75% 1RM Snatch* *dropping and resetting between pulls is allowed For Quality Conditioning: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Glute-Ham Sit-up 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Overhead Squat (95/63) ...Read More
Conditioning: EMOM for 5:00 perform: 200m Row Sprint Or… 450m Bike Sprint Post slowest time …Rest 10:00, then… 14 Plate Burpees (25# plate) 14 Squats 14 Hand-release Push-ups 14 Alternating Lunges Row 500m 4 rounds for time Post slowest sprint time and time to commentsRead More
Conditioning: 3 round for max rep of: 1 minute of Burpees 1 minute of Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 1 minute of Deadlifts (115/75) 1 minute of Med-Ball Sit-ups (20/14) 1 minute of Hang Power Cleans (115/75) Rest 1:00 between rounds For Total Score Mobility: Saddle Sit – 2:00 Spine Smash –...Read More
Strength: Every 90 seconds, for 6 rounds, perform one set of: Front Squats 4 @75% Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of: 30 Double Unders 30ft One-arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunges, Left (50/35)* 30ft One-arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunges, Right (50/35)* For Score *Each 5ft section is one rep....Read More
Friday night class is cancelled this week. Sorry for any inconvenience. Conditioning: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 18 minutes perform: 150m Run 3 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 6 Strict Ring Dips 9 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 12 Wall-Ball Push-ups* For Score *Score is equal to max rep WB PU’s on last round, minus any uncompleted...Read More