Endurance: 5 rounds of: 1:00 max calories rowed 2:00 rest* For total calories *During rest, perform 7 handstand push-ups Core Work: 4 rounds for time and quality: Max L-sit hang* 20 Sit-ups Rest 2:00 For total hang time *Hang from a pull-up bar while simultaneously holding an L-sit. Modification of this...Read More
General Warm-up: 2 rounds of: Run 200/Row 250 8 Spiders 7 T-Push-ups 8 V-ups 7 Deep squats 8 Shoulder press w/T’s …then… Ski 12/8 calories 20m Farmers carry 40 second D-ball rock 10 KB swings Conditioning: Option 1: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in...Read More
Conditioning: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 4 Dumbbell thrusters (50/35) 6 Toes-2-bar 24 Double unders For score If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to Games site Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Option 1: “Hateful Eight” 8 Push-ups 8 GHD sit-ups 8 Squats 8 Pull-ups 8 Deadlifts (95/65) 8 Hang power cleans (95/65) 8 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/65) 8 Calories rowed 8 rounds for time Option 2*: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:...Read More
General warm-up: Run 400m 10m Spiders 10 Hand-release push-ups 10 Sit-ups 10 Pull-ups 10 Squats Row 300m 40m D-ball high carry 20m Heavy farmers carry 10 Handstand push-ups 10 Ring dips Barbell warm-up: 5 reps of each at (45/33): SDHP Power snatch Thruster …then… 3 reps of each at (75/53) Conditioning: Row...Read More
General Warm-up: Bike 600m 6 Samsons 8 Half tacos 6 Army T-push-ups 8 Squats 2 rounds for quality (increase intensity each round) …then… 350m Ski for time Endurance: Bike 1:00 for calories Rest 2:00* 5 rounds for total calories *During the rest, perform 35 double unders Core: Death by Hollow...Read More
Register for the 2020 CrossFit Games Open, Click HERE Option 1: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.1 8 Ground-to-overhead (95/65) 10 Bar-facing-burpees 10 rounds for time (15:00 cap) If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to Games site by 1900. Option 2: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in...Read More
Register for the 2020 CrossFit Games Open, Click HERE 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.1 8 Ground-to-overhead (95/65) 10 Bar-facing-burpees 10 rounds for time (15:00 cap) Post results and experiences to comments If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to Games site for validation.Read More