This memorial workout is dedicated to CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff Flowmaster Kelly Brown who passed away after a courageous five-year battle with ovarian cancer on September 15, 2020. She was 44. Brown is survived by her husband, John, and their two children, a 14-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter. Kelly and John started their CrossFit journey...Read More
Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5-minutes of: 20/16 Calories rowed 6 Burpees over the rower …Rest 5:00, then… Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5-minutes of: 15/12 Calories biked 5 Shuttle runs (25-ft down and back = 1) …Rest 5:00, then… Complete as many rounds and reps...Read More
Conditioning: 2000m Bike 20 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35) 20 Pull-ups …rest 2:00, then… 750m Row 15 Dumbbell hang power clean and jerks (2×50/35) 15 Burpees over dumbbells …rest 2:00, then… 600m Run 10 Single-arm dumbbell overhead squats left (50/35) 10 Single-arm dumbbell overhead squats right (50/35) 10 Bar muscle-ups For time (30:00 cap)Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 100-ft Backrack lunges (135/93) 40 Toes-to-bar 100-ft Backrack lunges (135/93) 40 GHD Sit-ups …Rest until 15:00, then… Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of: Bar muscle-ups …then… Complete as many reps as possible in 2-minutes of: Double unders For time and scores Strength: Deadlift At the top of...Read More
Memorial Day crew! Strong work everyone! We are excited to announce our NEW website launching this Thursday! Conditioning: As many reps as possible in 12-minutes: 1 Wall walks 2 Shuttle runs (25-ft down and back = 1) For score* *Add 1 wall walk and 2 shuttle runs to every round…. 1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10… Strength: Strict...Read More
Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD. Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat! Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work required 200m Run (each partner) 100 Crossover single-unders 80 Calories biked 60 Calories rowed 40 Calories skied 2 Rounds for time ...Read More
Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD. Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat! Conditioning: 15 GHD sit-ups 50-ft Single arm overhead walking lunge (right) (50/35) 5 Strict handstand push-ups 15/12 Calories biked 50-ft Single arm overhead walking lunge (left) ...Read More