Conditioning: Hero WOD Dedicated to U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, NC (USA) a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007, of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan. The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a...Read More
Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 4 sets: Minute 1: 0:30 Max reps kettlebell swings (72/53) Minute 2: 0:30 Row for max calories Minute 3: 0:30 Max reps goblet squats (72/53) Minute 4: Rest For score Strength: On a 3:00 clock… Deadlift 5 reps @ 80% of 1-Rm 4 sets for...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 50 Chest to bar pull-ups 100-ft Handstand walk 200-ft Farmer carry (2 x 75/50) 4 x 200m Run 4 x 600m Bike 200-ft Farmer carry 100-ft Handstand walk 50 Toes to bar For time (35:00 cap) Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Endurance: As many reps as possible in 8 minutes of the following: 1 Shuttle run (25-ft down and back = 1 rep)* 1 Line-facing burpee* *add one rep of each exercise per round …Rest 2-minutes and then… As many reps as possible in 8-minutes of the following: 20 Double-unders 10 Butterfly ab-mat sit-ups...Read More
Conditioning: 30 Overhead squats (115/78) 60 Double-unders 30/24 Calories row/bike/ski* 90 Cross-over single unders 3 Rounds for time (25:00 cap) *Athlete must row one round, bike one round, and ski one round Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: As many reps as possible in 12-minutes of the following: 16 GHD sit-ups 12 Alternating dumbbell hang clean and jerk (50/35) 8 Handstand push-ups 4 Strict pull-ups For score Strength: On a 1:30 clock, perform the following complex: 1 Snatch Deadlift ⇒ 1 Power Snatch ⇒ 1 Squat Snatch 1 Complex @ 65% 1...Read More
Conditioning: 2 Rounds of: 15 Wall-ball GHD sit-ups (12/8) 15 Ring support tuck-ups 15 Wall-ball cleans (20/14) …Rest 1 minute and then… 30 Wall-ball cleans (20/14) 30 Ring support tuck-ups 30 Wall-ball GHD sit-ups (12/8) For time (15:00 cap) Strength: Back squats On a 2:30 clock, perform: 5 @ 75% of 1-Rm 5 Sets of...Read More
Conditioning: 2000m Row …Rest NO MORE THAN 2:00, then… Max rep bench press @ (1xBodyweight males/.75xbodyweight females) For time* *For every successful bench press rep, 10 seconds is deducted from row time Scaling options will be available at the gym. WOD courtesy of Rogue Challenges Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Endurance: 200m Run 500m Row 1200m Bike 250m Ski 2 rounds for time (15:00 cap) Conditioning: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 rep rounds of: Unbroken strict pull-ups* Unbroken strict ring dips* For time *Each time you break during a set, you must perform 10 burpees. Rest between sets as needed. Post results and experiences to commentsRead More