Free WOD today at 0900!!!! Come join us!!! Remember, one of the cool things about CrossFit, EVERYTHING is modifiable. 🙂 Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps* as possible in 30 minutes of: 2 Strict handstand push-ups 4 Strict elevated ring rows 6 Alternating DB ground to...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: Partner WOD Partner A: 200m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks from rack (185/125) Partner B: 200m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks from rack (185/125) …Rest 1:00 then… Partner A: 400m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks from rack (185/125) Partner B: 400m Run 1:00 Max reps jerks...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Accessory/Skill Work: 10 GHD back extensions with 2x2x2 tempo 10 Hip thrusts 1:00 Rest 3 Rounds for quality Conditioning: Partner WOD 10/8 Rope climbs (14′) 20 Double dumbbell front squats (50/35) 40′ Double dumbbell overhead walking lunges (50/35) 6 rounds for time Post results...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Endurance: Partner WOD 150 Calories ski* 150 Calories row* 150 Calories bike* For time *Accumulate calories on each machine by performing 30 seconds (partner A), 30 seconds (partner B) continuous for 4:00, then rest 1:00. During rest, partner team will rotate to next machine, and repeat process. After...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Endurance: 1:00 Max calorie bike 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max calorie row 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max calorie ski 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max rep double unders 2:00 Rest 3 rounds for total calories Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Come join the MP family today for a FREE WOD at 0900!! No CrossFit experiences needed. Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: Partner WOD Part 1: Complete as many reps as possible in 12-minutes of: 20 Box overs (24/20″) 20 Plate ground to overhead (45/25) 20 Sit-ups For score …rest 5:00, then…...Read More
Come join the MP family this Saturday for a FREE WOD at 0900!! No CrossFit experiences needed. Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Endurance: 50/40 Calories ski 15 D-ball Cleans (100/70) 30/24 Calorie bike 150m Farmers carry (2×70/53) 50/40 Calories row 2 rounds for time (40:00 cap) Post results and experiences to...Read More