Saturday, 28 August 2021



Partner WOD

1-mile partner run

100-ft handstand walk

1000m Row

100 Burpees

3000m Bike

100-ft handstand walk

1-mile partner run


For time

Instructions: On both runs, team members must run together holding a rope. Each member must have a hand on the rope at all times when the team is moving. On the handstand walks, row, bike, and burpees equal reps/distance is required; with only one member working at a time.



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Rich and I murdered this partner WOD 47:26 with mods!
    We ran 800 m, did the bear crawl, and powered through stepping our burpees. Rich killed it, the row and bike felt like a cake walk for me. My first bear crawl was the best I’ve done here yet but the second one was WAY TOUGHER. Good work to everyone who showed up!

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