Register now for the 2025 CrossFit Games Open! Take the 2025 Judges course! Conditioning: 3-Person Team WOD Complete as many reps as possible in 9-minutes of: 5 Wall-ball shots (25/16) @ (10/9′) 3 Burpees-over-bar 1 Snatch (155/103) …rest 2-minutes, then… Complete as many reps as possible in 3-minutes of: Max rep Sandbag cleans...Read More
Conditioning: KO in the OK 2024 WOD 1: “Cork Screw Punch” 6-Person Team WOD* 150 Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10’) 75 Burpees to pull-up bar 150 Pull-ups 75 Shoulder-to-overhead (115/83) Max calories rowed For TWO scores (Total time for chipper AND max calories on rower) (18:00 cap) *Athletes may switch out on chipper/rower whenever they chose....Read More
Conditioning: 4-person Team* WOD 100 Pull-ups 200 Burpee box overs (20″) 300 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 400-ft Dumbbell overhead lunges (50/35) …while simultaneously accumulating… 250 Calories biked For time *Instructions: Equal work on chipper Two teammates working at a time (chipper & bike) Tag each time teammates switch on the chipper Team...Read More
The gym will be closed this Thursday in observance of Thanksgiving. One class will be held on Friday, November 29th, at 0900. The regular schedule resumes on Saturday. Conditioning: 3-person Team WOD* 15 Strict handstand push-ups 30 Calories biked 45 Squat snatches (115/73) 60 Calories rowed 75 Pull-ups 90 Calories skied 75 GHD sit-ups 60...Read More
Conditioning: 3-Person Team WOD, equal work required 3 Rounds, alternating full rounds: 25-ft Dumbbell overhead walking lunges (2 x 35/25) 10 Chest-to-bar pullups 10 Devils press (2 x 35/25) 25-ft Dumbbell overhead walking lunges (2 x 35/25) …then immediately into Part 2: 900m Row (3 x 300m) …then immediately into Part 3: 75 Kettlebell swings...Read More
Endurance: 3-Person Team WOD 1500m Row 1500m Ski 3600m Bike 1200m Run (6 x 200m) For time and score (of total burpees)* (35:00 cap) *In a merry-go-round pattern, athlete 1 starts on machine, athlete 2 max burpees, athlete 3 rests. Rotate every minute on the minute throughout workout until all meters are completed. ...Read More
Conditioning: “Diced and Divided” Each class will be divided by the coach into 2 teams. Teams will take turns rolling the “Festivus WOD Dice”. After 25-minutes, the team with the most points wins! More details explained in classes. Movements: Push-ups Shoulder-to-overhead (40% of 1-rm thruster or clean & jerk, whichever is heavier) Air squats Box...Read More
Conditioning: 3-Person Team WOD “Weights with Mates” In a merry-go-round style: Athlete A completes 200m run Athletes B and C complete*: 100 Calories skied 100 Front squats (135/93) 100 Calories biked 100 Power cleans (135/93) 100 Handstand pushups For time (35:00 cap) *Athletes rotate through the run until all reps are completed ...Read More
Strength: 10 Rounds of: 100m Run (recovery pace) 1 Power clean* For quality *Start at ~55%, increase each round, finish at ~90% Endurance: 2-3 Person Teams 12-minutes max calories For scoreRead More