General Warmup: Run 400m/Row 500m 10 Samsons 10 Army T-pushups 10 Sit-ups 10 Squats 10 Ring rows Bike 2:00 10m Walking lunges (forward) 10m Walking lunges (backwards) 40m Double kettlebell waiters walk 20m D-ball carry 10 Windmills 10 PVC Passovers Endurance/Bike Skill Work: 1 Min bike for max calories using only arms 1 Min...Read More
Conditioning: Row 800m 10 Power Snatches (95/63) 15 Toes-2-Bar Run 600m 20 Squat Cleans (95/63) 25 Bar-Over-Burpees Row 400m 30 Shoulder to Overhead (95/63) 35 Box Jumps (24/20″) Run 200m 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 45 Sit-ups For Time Compare to Saturday, 21 September 2019 Post results and experience to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Partner WOD 2 Min AMCAP row Rest 2 min, then: 8 Min AMRAP (equal work) of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Sit-ups 10 Wallball push-ups 20 Stationary alternating lunges Rest 2 min, then 2 Min AMCAP bike For time and total calories Strength: Option 1: Make up or redo 1-rep max Or…...Read More
Conditioning: 10-20-30-40-50 Cal Row 20-18-16-14-12 Burpee box jump overs (24/20) Skill Work: Grip endurance: 100′ Heavy farmers carry 50′ Pinch grip double plate carry 2 sets for quality, rest as needed Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: “Baller” Using the same Wall-Ball for each exercise, and carrying it with you the entire WOD perform: 10 Sit-up Slammers (20/14) @ 2m 15 Ball Cleans* 20 Overhead Walking Lunges 25 Ball Push-ups Run 400m (w/ ball) 3 rounds for time *Ball Cleans are squat cleans. …rest 5-7 minutes, partner up and…....Read More
Strength & Conditioning: 7 Handstand push-ups 3 Squat cleans* Rest 1:30 10 rounds for time *start at 45% 1RM clean, increase load each round by 5% of your 1RM Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Labor Day fitness! Conditioning: 2019 Wodapalooza Online qualifiers 5 & 6 With a 15 minute clock, perform: 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Thrusters (95/63) Calories rowed Burpees over rower For time With remaining time, find: 1-rep max Clean and Jerk For max load Compare to Monday, 09 September 2019 Post...Read More
Conditioning: ”Three Blind Mice” 3-person Team WOD, equal work required 30 Thrusters (95/63) 30 Pull-ups 30 Clean and jerk (135/93) 30 Toes to bar 30 Box overs (30″) 30 Dumbbell hang power clean (2, 50s/35s) 30 Handstand push-ups 30 Dumbbell front squats (2, 50s/35s) 30 Calories Row/Bike* 2 Rounds for time *each team...Read More
Conditioning: 15/12 Calories Rowed 12 Sit-up Slammers (12/8) 9 Back Squats (95/63)* 6 Behind-the-neck Shoulder Press (95/63) 3 Overhead Squats (95/63) 3 rounds for time (10:00 cap) *Must clean from floor, and place on back. Strength: Overhead Squat 1-rep max Compare to Wednesday, 19 June 2019 Post results and experience to...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Buy in: 100 Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10/9) Then 4 rounds of: 32 Double-unders 8 Handstand push-ups 6 Dumbbell hang squat cleans (3/3) at (75/50) 4 Alternating pistols 2 Deadlifts (305/205) Sell out: 100 Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10/9) For time *Equal work on WB shots. Alternate exercises during rounds. DB hang squat...Read More