Skill: 3-person Team 3000m Row For Time Conditioning: “Hammer Time” 15 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 25 Burpees 35 Front Squats (75/53) 45 Double Unders 45 Calories Rowed 35 Sit-ups 25 Push Press (75/53) 15 Lateral Bar Jumps* For Time *Jumping over the bar both directions equal 1 Compare to Tuesday, 23 February 2016...Read More
Conditioning 1: Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes, adding 1 rep of each, perform: 1 Handstand Push-up 1 Pull-ups 1 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ 9′ For score* If you make it successfully through all eight minutes, max out on WB shots. Score is total reps completed. Strength: Power Snatch 3-3-3-3...Read More
Conditioning: As a 3-person team, perform equal work for time of: Run 3000m (switch every 200m) …rest 3 minutes, then… Partner up, and then perform 4 rounds for time, alternating exercises, of: 300m Row 15 GHD Sit-ups 15 Ring Dips …rest 2 minutes, then… As individuals, perform 4 rounds for time of:...Read More
Skill/CFE: Partner up, and perform: 2100m Row Rotate every 150m For Time Conditioning: “Holy Thrusters Batman!” Run 400m Max Rep Thrusters (115/75)* …repeat couplet until 100 Thrusters have been performed For Time *”Max Rep” is defined as any pause in the standing front rack, or any dropping of the bar out...Read More
I just love this pic of the new couple. Conditioning: Partner WOD As a team, row 1400m for time, 14 strokes at a time. While one partner is rowing, the other does 7 Burpees, jumping onto a 45lb weight plate, then… “Lucky 7” Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of: 49...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD* “Add a little fun” 25-minute AMRAP 1 Power Clean (135/93) 1 Knees-2-Elbows 1 Bar-Over-Burpee 1 Pull-up 1 Calorie Rowed For Score Compare to Saturday, 23 May 2015 *Add one rep to each exercise each round. Partners alternate exercises. Burpee Challenge: Day 104 Mobility: Quad Smash – 1:30/side Overhead...Read More
Me with”Double Trouble”. Because I am innocent. 😉 Congrats Bradley and Courtnie McKone!! Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Double Trouble” (Partners A / B) 200m Run / Max rep Thrusters (95/65) 20 Partner Push-ups 30 Pull-ups / Max Calories Rowed 30 Wall-Ball Sit-up Throws @ 5m (20/14) 200 Speed Skips / Max rep Handstand Push-ups...Read More
Friday night class this week only is cancelled in celebration of the union of two MP members, Bradley “Goat Rider” McKone and Courtnie Smith! Reminder that all MP members are invited. Conditioning: Partner WOD “Two to Tango” 40 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 60 Burpees 80 Box Overs (24/20″) 100 Slammers (12/8) @ 2m 2000m Row ...Read More