
Partner WOD
Skill: 0:20 L-hang from bar 0:30 Rest 1/1 Handstand box walks (1 rotation left and 1 rotation right) 1:00 Rest   3 Sets   Conditioning: Partner WOD “Hitman” (WOD Courtesy of Masters Mania 3 Competition) 21 Push press (95/63) 21 Bar over burpees 21 Box jumps* (24/20) 15 Push press (115/73) 15 Bar over burpees...
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General Warm-up: 2 rounds of: Bike 1:30 10 Spiders 10 Push-ups Row 1:30 10 Sit-ups 10 Squats Ski 1:30 10 Ring rows 10 SP w/T’s Run 200m   Conditioning: Partner WOD* “Add a little MORE fun” 25-minute AMRAP 1 Power Clean (135/93) 1 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (10/9′) 1 Bar-Over-Burpee 1 Pull-up 1 Calorie Biked...
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Skill: 10 Scapular pull-ups 0:30 Rest 0:20 Chin over bar hold 0:30 Rest 10 Lat activations 2:00 Rest   3 Sets   Conditioning: Partner WOD 8 Min AMRAP (partners alternate rounds) of: 1 Deadlift (225/153) 2 Burpee box overs (24/20) 3 Toes to bar   Rest 7 min   9 Min AMRAP (partners alternate exercises)...
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  Skill: 3 Wall Walks 10 Supinated Ring Rows w/ feet elevated Rest 2:00   4 sets   Conditioning: Partner WOD 32-24-16 rep rounds of: Calories rowed Hang power cleans (135/93)   …rest 3:00, then… 32-24-16 rep rounds of: Calories biked Alternating DB snatches (50/35)   …rest 3:00, then… Run 400-300-200 GHD Sit-ups 32-24-16  ...
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MP CrossFit Nutrition Challenge and Fitness Challenge starts Oct 12th!  Contact Coach Jimmy or Coach Sarah for more info. Skill: 3 sets: 0:30 Noes and toes wall handstand hold 0:30 Rest 10 Scapular push-ups 0:30 Rest 0:30 Hollow hold 0:30 Rest   Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work each exercise   10 Bar to chest pull-ups...
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  MP CrossFit Nutrition Challenge and Fitness Challenge starts Oct 12th!  Contact Coach Jimmy or Coach Sarah for more info. Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 2 Min AMCAP row …2 minute rest, then…   2 rounds for time of: 20 Wallball shots (25/16) @ (10/9) 40 Sit-ups 60ft Walking lunges 80 Speed skips …2 minute...
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Conditioning: Partner WOD, alternating exercises   20 Min AMRAP: Run 2 x 200m 4 Strict pull-ups 6 Deadlifts (275/185) 8 Alternating pistols 10 GHDs 30 Double unders   For score     Post results and experience to comments
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Conditioning: Partner WOD 2 Min AMCAP row Rest 2 min, then:   8 Min AMRAP (equal work) of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Sit-ups 10 Wallball push-ups 20 Stationary alternating lunges   Rest 2 min, then 2 Min AMCAP bike   For time and total calories   Strength: Option 1: Make up or redo 1-rep max Or…...
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Conditioning: “Baller” Using the same Wall-Ball for each exercise, and carrying it with you the entire WOD perform: 10 Sit-up Slammers (20/14) @ 2m 15 Ball Cleans* 20 Overhead Walking Lunges 25 Ball Push-ups Run 400m (w/ ball)   3 rounds for time *Ball Cleans are squat cleans.   …rest 5-7 minutes, partner up and…....
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Labor Day we will be meeting for a WOD at 0830 at the Jenks Veterans Park, located at 305 South Birch Street, Jenks, OK 74037.   Conditioning: Partner WOD 200m Sandbag drag* (70/50) 1000m Run …then… 5 rounds of: 40 Wall-ball Sit-up throws (14/12/10) @ 5m 30 Burpees 20 Alternating DB Clean  (75/50) 100m Partner...
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