Join us this Friday, December 10th at 1800 for our Christmas Party potluck!
3 reps every 0:20 for 6 minutes
For quality
Partner WOD, equal work required
From 0:00 to 5:00…
2400m* Bike
Max burpees in remaining time
…Rest 2:00 then…
From 7:00 to 12:00…
2400m* Bike
Max dumbbell snatches (50/35) in remaining time
…Rest 2:00 then…
From 14:00 to 19:00
2400m* Bike
Max d-ball cleans (100/80) in remaining time
…Rest 2:00 then…
From 21:00 to 26:00
1000m** Ski
Max box overs (24/20″) in remaining time
For total reps
*MM pairs bike 2400m, MF bike 2200m, FF bike 2000m
**MM pairs ski 1000m, MF ski 900m, FF ski 800m
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