
Partner WOD
Join us this Friday, 24 February for a FREE drop in at any class time! No experience needed. Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE   Conditioning: Option 1: Partner WOD, equal work required As many rounds and reps as possible in 25-minutes of the following: 100 Calories biked 50 Calories skied 800m...
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Join us this Friday, 17 February for a FREE drop in at any class time! No experience needed. Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE   Endurance: “Love is Blind” Partner WOD 5000m “Blind” row*   For score of total meters and total time (including time to complete burpees) (40:00 time cap) *Rower...
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Join us this Friday, 10 February for a FREE drop in at any class time! No experience needed. Calling all LADIES!! Join us for a GALENTINES celebration on Saturday, 11 February 5:00-7:00 pm!! Free WOD and food w/ social time! Come for both or just one! Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges...
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Join us this TODAY for a FREE drop in at 0900! No experience needed. Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE   Conditioning: Partner WOD 12 Shuttle runs (25′)* 24 Toes-2-bar 36 Handstand push-ups 48 Calories rowed/ski* 36 Box jumps (20″) 24 Clean & jerk (135/93) 12 Power snatch (135/93)  ...
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Join us this Friday, Feb 20th for a FREE drop in at any class! No experience needed. Friday at 6:45pm: lower back health seminar from Vitality Therapy   Skill Work: 10 Handstand shoulder taps* 1:30 Rest   4 Rounds for quality *Advanced: handstand shoulder taps Intermediate: handstand head taps Beginner: Box handstand shoulder taps  ...
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Join us this week, Jan 9th-14th for FREE! Any class! No experience needed! Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE   Conditioning: Partner WOD 3:00 Sled drag for tonnage* 1:00 Rest 3:00 Bike for calories 1:00 Rest 3:00 Dumbbell snatches (50/35) 1:00 Rest 3:00 Row for calories 1:00 Rest 3:00 D-Ball...
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Join us this week, Jan 9th-14th for FREE! Any class! No experience needed! Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE   Conditioning: Partner WOD As many rounds and reps as possible in 5-minutes of… 12 Synchronized deadlifts (95/63) 9 Synchronized hang power cleans 6 Synchronized shoulder-to-overhead   For score   …Rest...
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Join us this week, Jan 9th-14th for FREE! Any class! No experience needed! Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE 2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE   Endurance: 6:00 Minute Bike Test   For score Compare to Wednesday, 27 July 2022   …Rest 10:00, partner up*, then…   30 Calories rowed 20 Calories skied 1:00 Rest  ...
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Join us TODAY for a FREE trial WOD! No fitness experience needed. We can modify everything! Class Monday, January 2nd is at 0900 ONLY. Happy New Year!   Conditioning: “2023” Partner WOD* 10 rounds of: 20 Calories row 23 Calories bike   For time *Both partners can work simultaneously. However, each round must be completed...
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Join us this Friday, December 23rd for a FREE trial day! No fitness experience needed. We can modify everything! Gym closed Monday, December 26th. Merry Christmas!   Conditioning: Partner WOD* “Cindy Lou and the Grinch” As many rounds and reps as possible in 30-minutes of the following: 3 Weighted strict pull-ups (35/25) 6 Deficit plate...
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