
  Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD:  “300” 25 Pull-Ups 50 Deadlifts (135/93) 50 Push-ups 50 Box Overs (24/20″) 50 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 50 Thrusters (65/45) 25 Pull-Ups   For Time Compare to Friday, 19 July 2013   Mobility: Overhead Tissue Smash – 2:00 per side Ball Tack and Floss – 2:00 per side Anterior Compartment Smash...
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  Skill: Handstand Hold 6 x 30 second Hold Overhead with External Rotation Bias for 30 seconds in between sets   For Quality     Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Filthy Fifty” 50 Box Jumps (24/20″) 50 Jumping Pull-ups 50 Kettlebell Swings (35/25) 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees-2-Elbows 50 Push Press (45/30) 50 Back Extentions 50...
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  Strength: Thruster 1-rep max   For Max Load Compare to Tuesday, 15 October 2013     Conditioning: “Long Road” Run 200m 15 GHD Sit-ups 20 Hand-Release Push-ups 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Double Unders   4 rounds for time     Mobility: Pick any 3 mobilities from the MWOD posters Hold each for 2:00...
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  Skill: Sally Squats*   For Quality *Perform squats to the song “Flower” by Moby. Start in the down squat position, and every time the song says “Bring Sally up”, stand up. And on “bring Sally down”, return to the bottom of the squat; and hold that position until the next “bring Sally up”.    ...
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  Strength: Back Squat 5  reps  @ 60% 1RM 3  reps  @ 70% 1+ reps @ 80%   For max reps and quality     Conditioning: “Pressed, but won’t back down” Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes of: 200m Sprint 10 Pistols, alternating 10 V-ups 10 One-leg Kettlebell Deadlift Crossover(35/25)   For Score Compare...
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  Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Bulger” Run 200m 7 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 7 Front Squats (135/93) 7 Handstand Push-ups   10 rounds for time Compare to Monday, 01 April 2013   Note: “Bulger” can be a long WOD. There will be a 45:00 cap. Come to class ready to get moving. 🙂     Mobility: Olympic...
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Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge Final Day! Congrats to Robert “ring leader” Hauger, Danny Scroggins, Rhonda Gonsalves, Lisette Coston, John Schumer, David Sowards, David Monquist for successfully completing the challenge.   Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD 150 Burpees   For Time Compare to Tuesday, 10 January 2012     Strength: Split Jerk  3-3-3-3-3   For Max Load...
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   Noon class is canceled today. Sorry for any inconvenience.    Skill: 6 rounds of: 20 seconds max rep Double Unders rest 10 seconds 20 second Handstand Hold rest 10 seconds     Conditioning: Pick any Girl, Hero, or Board WOD     Mobility: Quad Smash – 2:00 per leg Overhead T-spine Smash – 2:00...
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  Strength: Power Snatch 5  reps  @ 60% 1RM Snatch 3  reps  @ 70% 1+ reps @ 80%   For max reps     Conditioning: “For the Love of Burpees” 9 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″) 9 Bar Over Burpees 9 Burpee Broad Jumps 9 Burpees onto a 45lb plate 9 Burpee Pull-Ups 9 One-legged Burpees...
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  Skill: Elevated Ring Rows 5-5-5-5-5   For Quality     Strength: Back Squat 1-rep max   For Max Load     Conditioning: “Jump Around” 30 Speed Skips 20 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 25 Single Jump Rope 15 Box Overs (24/20″) 20 Double Unders 10 meters Handstand Walk   3 rounds for time  ...
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