
2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open   Conditioning: Partner WOD* “Slack-eyed Saturday” Buy-in: 100 Double Unders …then 20 Chest-2-Bar Pull-up 40 Wall-Ball Volleyball Throws @ 8′ (20/14)* Row 800m 40 GHD Sit-ups 40 Shoulder Press (65/45)* 40 Overhead Squats Row 800m 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open   Skill: Practice for 10 minutes on: Handstand Progressions   For Quality   Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of: 5 Power Snatches (135/93) 20 Double Unders …rest 2 minutes Complete as many rounds as...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open Wednesday noon class is canceled this week only. Sorry for any inconvenience.    Conditioning:  “Raising the Bar” 30 Overhead Walking Lunges (35/25) 20 Slammers (12/8) 10 Thrusters (115/73) 20 Wall-Ball Push-ups 30 Calories Rowed   4 rounds for time Compare...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open Wednesday noon class is canceled this week only. Sorry for any inconvenience.    Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Diane” 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Deadlifts (225/150) Handstand Push-ups   For Time Compare to Monday, 22 April 2013   …rest 7 minutes...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open   Skill/Row Test: 1000m Row For Time   Conditioning: 5 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 10 Overhead Squats (135/93) 50 Double Unders   5 rounds for time   Mobility: Banded Olympic Wall Squat – 2:00 Banded Overhead Distraction – 1:30/side Reclined...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open   Conditioning: Partner WOD* “Love Me Some CrossFit” 200m Shuttle Sprints x 6 20 Clean and Jerks (155/103) 40 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 100 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 40 T-Push-ups 20 Calories Rowed x 6 200 Double Unders …rest 2 minutes...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open   Strength: Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1   For Max Load   Conditioning: “Tired & Crazy” 5 Muscle-ups 100 Jump Rope Singles 15 Kettlebell Thrusters (53/35) 20 Shoulder Touches 15 GHD Sit-ups 100 Speed Skips 5 Burpee Box Overs (24/20″)...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation 2015 Judges Course is open   Conditioning: “I. Can. Do. It.” 5 Deadlifts (285/193) 20 Kettlebell Push-ups 5 Squat Cleans (155/103) 30 Sit-ups 500m Row   3 rounds for time   Flexibility: Eye of the Needle – 1:30/side Revolved Seated Staff – 1:30/side...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation   Skill: Practice for 10-minutes on: Turkish Get up 10 reps/side Increase weight as you are able   For Quality   Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Lola” 30 Double Unders 20 Knees-2-Elbows 10 Handstand Push-ups   5 rounds for time Compare to Tuesday, 18...
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2015 CrossFit Games registration is open @  Team Name: Ape Nation   Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Helen” 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 12 Pull-ups   3 rounds for time Compare to Wednesday, 29 October 2014   Strength: Front Squats 5   reps @ 70% 1RM 3   reps @ 80% 1+ reps @ 90%...
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