
2011 Flashback: Tulsa Mud Run   Skill: Practice for 10:00 Handstand Holds Use progressions needed: Tripod, headstand, against the wall, free standing, parallets   For Quality   Conditioning: 40 Speed Skips 10 Sumo Deadlift High-pull (75/53) 20 Slammers (12/8) 10 Thrusters (75/53)   4 rounds for time …then 10 Muscle -ups For Quality   Flexibility:...
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    Strength: Back Squat 1-rep max   For Max Load Compare to Tuesday, 05 August 2014   Conditioning: “Row in, Blast out” 1000m Row …then 3 rounds of: 9 Ring push-ups 15 GHD Sit-ups 21 Box Jumps (30/24″) …now 15 Body Blasters   For Time   Mobility: Overhead Tissue Smash – 1:30/arm Quad Smash...
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  Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Giddy up” 50 Burpee buy-in (as a team, 25 each) for time After team is done, rest 3 minutes then start the main WOD First… 200 meter Shuttle Sprints x 6 Next… 4 rounds (alternating partners each round, 2 rounds each): 12 Toes-2-Bar 12 Handstand Push-ups Then… 200 meter Rowing...
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Artwork done! Come join the Ape Nation!   Strength: Shoulder Press Find 1-rep max   For max load Compare to Tuesday, 05 August 2014   Conditioning: 3 rounds for time Run 200m 7 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 7 Front Squats (135/93) 7 Handstand Push-ups   …rest 4 minutes   150 Double Unders For Time     Mobility:...
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  Conditioning: Partner WOD*: “You go, I go” With a 6-minute cap perform as many reps as possible of: 30 Deadlifts (225/153) 30 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) 30 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups …rest 1-minute and strip weights, then… With a 6-minute cap perform as many reps as possible of: 20 Hang Power Cleans (135/93) 20 Wall-Ball Shots...
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  Skill: Practice for 10:00 on: Press to Handstand Progression 1 Progression 2 Progression 3   For Quality   Conditioning: “Chocolate Chips” 20 Shoulder Touches 40 Pull-ups 600m Run 80 Sit-ups 100 Double Unders 80 Squats 600m Run 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 20 Ring Dips   For Time   Mobility: Hip Capsule – 2:00/side Overhead...
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  Skill: Incline Rows 5-5-5-5 *Perform 40 Double Unders after each set   Conditioning: “Cleaning and Swinging” Every minute on the minute for 7 minutes perform: 20 meter sprint 2 Power Cleans* 2 Front Squats   …Rest 9:00   Perform the following: 20-15-10 Meters of Walking Lunges** Kettlebell Swings (70/53)   For Time (7:00 cap)...
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  Skill: Rowing Technique and Damper/Drag Test   For Quality   Conditioning: Partner WOD “Go For It!”   Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of: 5 Squat Cleans (155/103) Max rep Box Jumps (30/24″)   Rest 1 minute as a team, perform as many Speed Skips as possible in 4 minutes...
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0630 class is canceled. Sorry for any inconvenience. All other scheduled classes are normal.   Skill: Practice 10 minutes on: Straight Legged Box Jumps 5-5-5-5* *Hold Overhead Distraction 30 seconds/side after each set   For Quality   Conditioning: “Cardio Killer” 800m Run 80 Double Unders 800m Row 600m Run 60 Double Unders 600m Row 400m...
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The 0630 class on Tuesday is canceled this week.   Strength: Shoulder Press 5   reps @ 65% 1RM 3   reps @ 75% 1+ reps @ 85%   For Max Reps   Conditioning: “Change” 20 Burpees 5 Bar Muscle-ups 10 Overhead Squats (135/93) Run 200m 20 Box Overs (30/24″) 5 Ring Muscle-ups 10 Double...
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