Conditioning: KO in the OK 2024 WOD 1: “Cork Screw Punch” 6-Person Team WOD* 150 Wall-ball shots (20/14)@(10’) 75 Burpees to pull-up bar 150 Pull-ups 75 Shoulder-to-overhead (115/83) Max calories rowed For TWO scores (Total time for chipper AND max calories on rower) (18:00 cap) *Athletes may switch out on chipper/rower whenever they chose....Read More
Conditioning: 500m Row 10 Handstand push-ups 10 Bar-facing burpees 10 Overhead squats (115/78) 5 rounds for time or score* (30:00 cap) *if cap it hit, athlete’s score is total of reps completed, row is worth 1 pt per 25m Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
New Year’s week: 0900 class ONLY on Wednesday. The schedule will return to normal on Thursday. Conditioning: “Dominating starts NOW!” Buy-in: 40/32 Calories Biked …then, in an add-and-repeat style*, complete the following: 1 Squat Snatch (155/103)* 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups 3 Double Unders x10 4 Kettlebell Swings (97/62) 5 GHD Sit-ups 6 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16)...Read More
New Year’s week: The night class on Tuesday will be canceled, and the 0900 class will be held ONLY on Wednesday. The schedule will return to normal on Thursday. Conditioning: 10/8 Calories rowed 10 Kettlebell swings (53/35) 25-ft Overhead kettlebell lunges (right) 10/8 Calories biked 10 Kettlebell goblet squats 25-ft Overhead kettlebell lunges(left) ...Read More
Christmas week schedule: Tuesday—no 1730 class, Wednesday and Thursday—closed, and Friday—regular hours. Strength & Conditioning: “Merry Liftmas” 10 Deadlifts (115/73)* 8 Hang power cleans 6 Front squats 4 Push jerks 2 Thrusters 5 rounds for time *Rx+ option: (135/93) Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Strength: Shoulder Press Build to a heavy 4-rep max and then use that weight… Max reps push press Rest 2:00 3 Sets for max reps Conditioning: 1:00 Calories biked 1:00 D-ball cleans (100/70) 1:00 Calories rowed 1:00 Sandbag Zercher squats (70/50) 1:00 Calories skied 1:00 Strict pull-ups 1:00 Rest 2 rounds for...Read More
Congratulations Coach Mark! The 2024 Ping Pong Champ! Conditioning: Partner WOD 10 Dumbbell bench press (2 x 50/35) 10 Toes to bar 10 Rounds for time, partners alternate rounds …Rest 5:00 and then… 3ooom Bike 30 Squat cleans (155/103) 30 Handstand push-ups For time, equal work, split reps as desired (30:00...Read More
The Christmas Party is TONIGHT at 1800. Bring your friends and family! Skill: Every minute on the minute, for 8 minutes, complete: Odd minutes: 10 Kip swings holding a yoga block between feet Even minutes: 5 Strict pull-ups For quality Conditioning: 10 Single arm dumbbell clusters (50/35) (right) 25-ft Single dumbbell overhead walking...Read More