Endurance: 100m Run 150m Row 15 Burpees over rower 200m Run 250m Row 25 Ab-mat butterfly sit-ups 300m Run 375m Row 30 Grasshoppers 400m Run 500m Row 40 Speed skips 2 Rounds for time (35:00 cap) Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Skill: Every minute on the minute for 6-minutes, perform: Odd minutes: 3 Wall-walks Even minutes: 6 Alternating dumbbell squat snatches* For quality *Increase dumbbell weight each round. Conditioning: 12/10 Calories biked/rowed* 6 Squat cleans (185/123) 2 Rope climbs (13′) Rest 3:00 4 Rounds for total time (21:00 cap) *Athletes will switch between bike and row...Read More
Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy, born May 7, 1976, in Smithtown, N.Y. Murphy, was killed by enemy forces during a reconnaissance mission, Operation Red Wing, on June 28, 2005, while leading a four-person team tasked with finding a key Taliban leader in the mountainous terrain near Asadabad, Afghanistan. The team came under fire from...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25-minutes of: 30/24 Calories biked 300m Run 30/24 Calories rowed 10 Jerks (185/123) For score Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Skill Work: Plate stacking pistol drills* 5 sets of 10 reps, 5 each leg Rest 1:00 between sets For quality *After each successful set, increase the height of stack. Endurance: Run 200m Rest 1:00 Row 500m Rest 2:00 Run 600m Rest 3:00 Row 1000m Rest 3:00 Run 600m Rest 2:00 Row 500m Rest 1:00 Run...Read More
Dedicated to Army Sergeant 1st Class Daniel Crabtree, who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq, on Thursday, June 8th, 2006. “With heavy hearts, we dedicate this workout to Army Sergeant 1st Class Daniel Crabtree. To Daniel’s family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife, Kathy, and daughter, Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss...Read More
Conditioning: 400m Plate overhead carry* (45/35) 400m Double dumbbell farmer carry* (2×50/35) 2 rounds for time *Each time you break on overhead carry, perform 10 plate-facing burpees. Each time you break on farmer carry, perform 15 goblet squats (50/35) Post results and experiences to commentsRead More