Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Skill: 0:30 L-hang from bar 0:30 Rest 1/1 Handstand box walk (1 rotation left, 1 rotation right) 1:00 Rest 3 Sets for quality Conditioning: Option 1: 2019 CrossFit Games Open WOD 19.1 Complete as...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Bring-a-Friend WOD this Friday, March 5th! Endurance: MPCF Board WOD 1000m Row For time …Rest 10:00 then… Partner up and perform: 100/90/80 Calories on the rower* 100/90/80 Calories on the ski erg 200 Double-unders ...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Endurance: Row 1 minute at 6:00 test pace Row 1 minute at slow, recovery pace No additional rest between rounds 7 rounds for quality Strength: 20 Power clean and jerks (135/93) 15 Power...Read More
Ape flashback to February 2012 Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. CrossFit Games Open registration is live! Click HERE! Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 2 Min AMCAP bike …2 minute rest, then 2 rounds of… 20 Wallball shots (25/16) @ (10/9) 40 Sit-ups 60ft Walking lunges 80 Speed skips...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Conditioning: Buy in: 25/20 calories rowed …Rest 2:00 then… 15-10-5 Rep rounds of: Handstand push-ups GHD sit-ups Overhead squats (75/53) For time* *Two times should be recorded, time on rower and time on triplet Strength: Overhead Squats Set 1: 6-4-2 (increasing...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Skill Work: 3 Wall walks 10 Ring rows w/ feet elevated Rest 1:00 3 Sets for quality Conditioning: 30 Box step overs (30/24″) 1 Bar muscle up 25 Box step overs 2 Bar muscle ups 20 Box step overs 3 Bar...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Skill Work: 10 Hollow rocks 10 Arch raises 20 Hollow/arch swings on bar 1:00 Rest 4 Sets Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes: 1- 0:30 D-ball cleans (100/80) 2- 0:30 Kettlebell goblet squats (53/35) 3- 0:30 Double unders 4-...Read More
Congratulations to team “Whey Too Old” at KO in the OK! Ape Strong! Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible in 20min of: 500m Row 60 Single-unders 30 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35) 30 Double-unders 15 Burpees For total score, each round worth...Read More
Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd. This Friday is “Bring -a-Friend”! For every first-time person you bring, your name will be entered into a drawing for 5 free cans of Fitaid. And if your friend signs up, you win a free month of tuition!! One month for each friend that...Read More