
Sarah Flynn
Conditioning: Partner WOD 10 Overhead squats (155/103) 20 Box jump overs (24/20″) 30 Power cleans (155/103) 20 Toes-to-bar 10 Burpee muscle-ups   3 Rounds for time (25:00 cap)     Post results and experiences to comments
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Open Gym 1200-1330 Unlimited members may use Open Gym to work on extra skills, strength, or conditioning. All other members may use Open Gym to make up a missed programmed WOD.   MP Iron Club 1700-1830 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop...
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Conditioning: As many laps* as possible in 25 minutes of the following: Farmer Carry (2 x 50/35) **Every time you break, perform 10/8 calories on machine of your choice, OR 30 double-unders. *Lap will be indoors at gym.   For score Compare to Tuesday, 09 May 2023     Post results and experiences to comments
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Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 14 minutes, complete: Odd minutes: 10 Thrusters (95/63) Even minutes: 20 Kettlebell swings (53/35)   For completion   Skill: 0:30 Wall-facing handstand hold 0:30 Rest 10 Scapular push-ups 0:30 Rest 0:30 Hollow hold 1:00 Rest   4 Sets for quality     Post results and experiences to comments
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Endurance: 50/40 Calories rowed 10/8 Calories biked 200m Run 40/32 Calories rowed 20/16 Calories biked 200m Run 30/24 Calories rowed 30/24 Calories biked 200m Run 20/16 Calories rowed 40/32 Calories biked 200m Run 10/8 Calories rowed 50/40 Calories biked 200m Run   For time (40:00 cap)     Post results and experiences to comments
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Conditioning: Hero WOD Dedicated to U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, NC (USA) a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007, of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan. The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a...
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Conditioning: Every minute on the minute, for 4 sets: Minute 1: 0:30 Max reps kettlebell swings (72/53) Minute 2: 0:30 Row for max calories Minute 3: 0:30 Max reps goblet squats (72/53) Minute 4: Rest   For score   Strength: On a 3:00 clock… Deadlift 5 reps @ 80% of 1-Rm   4 sets for...
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Open Gym 1200-1330 Unlimited members may use Open Gym to work on extra skills, strength, or conditioning. All other members may use Open Gym to make up a missed programmed WOD.   MP Iron Club Cancelled this week only. We are sorry for any inconvenience.         Posts results and experiences to comments
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Conditioning: Partner WOD, equal work 50 Chest to bar pull-ups 100-ft Handstand walk 200-ft Farmer carry (2 x 75/50) 4 x 200m Run 4 x 600m Bike 200-ft Farmer carry 100-ft Handstand walk 50 Toes to bar   For time (35:00 cap)     Post results and experiences to comments
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Endurance: As many reps as possible in 8 minutes of the following: 1 Shuttle run (25-ft down and back = 1 rep)* 1 Line-facing burpee* *add one rep of each exercise per round   …Rest 2-minutes and then…   As many reps as possible in 8-minutes of the following: 20 Double-unders 10 Butterfly ab-mat sit-ups...
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