Open Gym 1200-1330 For all UNLIMITED members MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts...Read More
Conditioning: Run 400m or Row 500m 50-ft Dumbbell front rack walking lunges (50/35×2) 10 Chest-2-bar pull-ups 3 rounds for time Strength: Front Squat Every 2-minutes, perform the following sets: 9@25% of your 1-rm 8@35% 7@45% 6@55% 5@65% 3@75% Max reps @80% For max reps and quality Post results and...Read More
Endurance: Bike 6:00 @ 90% of “6-min test pace”26 Rest 2:00 Row 6:00 @ 90% of “6-min test pace” Rest 2:00 Bike 4:00 @ 95% of “6-min test pace” Rest 2:00 Row 4:00 @ 95% of “6-min test pace” Rest 2:00 Bike 2:00 @ 105% of “6-min test pace” Rest 2:00 Row 2:00 @...Read More
Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00 of the following: 12/10 Calories rowed 9 Wall ball shots (20/14)@(10/9′) 1 Barbell complex* (155/103) For score *Barbell complex: 3 deadlifts, 2 hang power cleans, 1 shoulder to overhead. Entire complex is worth 6 points for scoring purposes. Each lift of the complex...Read More
Open Gym 1200-1330 For all UNLIMITED members MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 2 Ring muscle-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 6 Kettlebell Swings (72/53) 8 Front Squats (95/63) (no more than 30% 1-rep) 10/8 Calories Biked For Score *Alternate exercises Strength: Thruster 1-rep max Compare to Friday, 24 July 2020 ...Read More
Endurance: 30-minute row @ 85% of your “6-min pace” For pacing quality See “6 min row test” here Tuesday, 16 February 2021 Mobility: Pick two upper body, and two lower body stretches from the mobility posters Post results and experiences to commentsRead More