Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Open Gym 1200-1330 For all UNLIMITED members MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application,...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Endurance: Partner WOD 150 Calories ski* 150 Calories row* 150 Calories bike* For time *Accumulate calories on each machine by performing 30 seconds (partner A), 30 seconds (partner B) continuous for 4:00, then rest 1:00. During rest, partner team will rotate to next machine, and repeat process. After...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: 2022 Monster Games WODs 7 & 8 20 Handstand push-ups 20 Bar muscle-ups 20 Handstand push-ups For time (5:00 cap) …Rest 1:00 then… 100 Double unders 50 Chest to bar pull-ups 100′ Overhead dumbbell walking lunges (2 x 35/25) For time (7:00 cap)...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Conditioning: Buy-in: MPCF Board WOD/Fitness Challenge WOD 500m Row For time …rest 4-minutes, then… 12 Burpees-over-bar 6 Thrusters (135/93) Rest 1:00 3 rounds for time …rest 4-minutes, then… Sell-out: 1000m Bike For total time Compare to Wednesday, 06 April 2022 Post results and experiences to...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Open Gym 1200-1330 For all UNLIMITED members MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application,...Read More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Endurance: 6-minute Bike Test For total calories Compare to Tuesday, 24 August 2021 Strength: Deficit deadlifts* 5 @ 60% 5 @ 65% 5 @ 70% 5 @ 75% For quality of positions *Standing on 35# plates Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Legends online qualifier REGISTER HERE! Endurance: 1:00 Max calorie bike 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max calorie row 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max calorie ski 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max rep double unders 2:00 Rest 3 rounds for total calories Post results and experiences to commentsRead More