Strength: Thrusters 3-rep max* For max load *Must be connected. If you need to rest between reps, you must rest at top, full extension. Skill: Pull-ups* 5-5-5-5-5 For quality *Reps should be connected Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 2 Burpees* 2 Hollow...Read More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend the class*....Read More
Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Karen” 150 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) For Time Compare to Monday, 10 January 2010 Strength: Weighted Strict Pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 For max load Flexibility: Right leg Split Left leg Split Middle Split Back Arch Post time, load, and experiences to commentsRead More
Skill: Treadmill Sprints 200m rest 1:00 200m rest 1:00 400m rest 2:00 400m rest 2:00 200m rest 1:00 200m For total sprint time Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 3 Ring Dips* 6 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)* 9 Abmat Sit-ups For score *Rx+ do weighted...Read More
Can you find what is abnormal about this picture? 😉 Strength: Back Squats 5 reps @ 70% 3 reps @ 80% Max reps at 90% Conditioning: 5 Wall-Ball Shots (25/16) @ (11/10′) 10 Toes-2-Bar 15/12 Calories Rowed 30 Double Unders 4 rounds for time Flexibility: Couch Stretch Calf Stretch Pike Stretch...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD* “Last minute changes” 800m Row 70 Wall-Ball Sit-up Throws (16/14/12)* at 5m 60 Plate-facing Burpees 200 Double Unders 60 One-arm alternating Kettlebell Lunges (53/35) 70 Wall-Ball Volleyball Throws (25/20/16) @ 8′ 800m Row For Time Compare to Wednesday, 25 April 2018 *Equal work and only one partner working at a time throughout WOD....Read More
Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 15/12 Calories Rowed 12 Alternating Pistols 9 GHD Sit-ups For score …rest 3 minutes, then… Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 10m One-arm Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunges-Right (50/35) 10m One-arm Overhead Dumbbell Walking...Read More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend the class*....Read More