Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend the class*....Read More
Conditioning: MPCF Board WOD “Hotel 100” 100 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (35’s/25’s) For Time* *Starting at minute 1, stop performing DBHSCT’s, and perform 5 burpees. Repeat this at the top of every minute until finished with the DBHSCT’s. Here is a video of Jason Khalipa, 2008 Games Champion, performing this WOD. Warning,...Read More
Endurance & Skill: Bike 600m Rest 2:00* 7 rounds for time *Perform 7 handstand push-ups during each of the rest periods. Core Work: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes add 5 seconds to: Plank Hold (Start with 5 seconds hold, 55 seconds rest) Post results and experiences to...Read More
This hero workout is dedicated to Patrolman Christopher Mark Goodell of Waldwick, NJ, who died on July 17, 2014 in a collision between a truck and his stationary unmarked police car. A New Jersey native, and a lifelong resident of Waldwick, Chris graduated from Waldwick High School in 2000 and attended one semester at William...Read More
Conditioning: Partner WOD 16-32-48-64 rep rounds of: Wall-ball shots (25/20) @ (10/9′) 8-16-24-32 rep rounds of: Alternating plank push-ups 4-8-12-16 rep rounds of: Squat cleans (185/123) 2-4-6-8 rep rounds of: Rope climbs (15′) 400-600-800-1000m Sprints 4 rounds* for time *Instructions: All numbers are team totals. Equal work must be performed on each exercise....Read More
Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 10/8 Calories Biked 8 Gorilla Rows (53/35) 6 GHD Sit-ups 24 Speed Skips For Score Strength: Deadlifts 4-4-4-4 @ 80% For quality in maintaining position throughout movement …Or… Make-up a Lift 1-rep max For max load Flexibility/Mobility:...Read More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend the class*....Read More
Conditioning: “Wild Wednesday” 400m Run 30 Toes-2-Bar 20 Pistols (alternating) 10 Strict Pull-ups 50 Calories Rowed 10 Strict Handstand Push-ups 20 Ring Push-ups 30 Sit-up Slammers (12/8) @ 2m 1200m Bike 2 rounds for time Similar to Wednesday, 18 July 2018 Mobility: Posterior Chain Anterior Compartment Smash Hip Capsule Post results...Read More
Endurance: Run 1 mile rest 2:00 Row 250m rest 2:00 Run 800m rest 1:00 Row 500m rest 1:00 Run 400m rest 1:00 Row 1000m rest 2:00 Run 200m rest 2:00 Row 2000m For time Post results and experiences to commentsRead More