Conditioning: Option 1: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.3 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand push-ups …then… 21 Deadlifts (315/205) 50-ft handstand walk 15 Deadlifts 50-ft handstand walk 9 Deadlifts 50-ft handstand walk For time (9:00 cap) If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to Games site Option 2:...Read More
Conditioning: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.3 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand push-ups …then… 21 Deadlifts (315/205) 50-ft handstand walk 15 Deadlifts 50-ft handstand walk 9 Deadlifts 50-ft handstand walk For time (9:00 cap) Post results and experiences to comments If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to...Read More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend...Read More
Endurance: 5 rounds of: 1:00 max calories rowed 2:00 rest* For total calories *During rest, perform 7 handstand push-ups Core Work: 4 rounds for time and quality: Max L-sit hang* 20 Sit-ups Rest 2:00 For total hang time *Hang from a pull-up bar while simultaneously holding an L-sit. Modification of this...Read More
General Warm-up: 2 rounds of: Run 200/Row 250 8 Spiders 7 T-Push-ups 8 V-ups 7 Deep squats 8 Shoulder press w/T’s …then… Ski 12/8 calories 20m Farmers carry 40 second D-ball rock 10 KB swings Conditioning: Option 1: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in...Read More
Conditioning: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 4 Dumbbell thrusters (50/35) 6 Toes-2-bar 24 Double unders For score If you are registered, don’t forget to post score to Games site Post results and experiences to commentsRead More
Conditioning: Option 1: “Hateful Eight” 8 Push-ups 8 GHD sit-ups 8 Squats 8 Pull-ups 8 Deadlifts (95/65) 8 Hang power cleans (95/65) 8 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/65) 8 Calories rowed 8 rounds for time Option 2*: 2020 CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:...Read More
Rest Day MP Iron Club 1730-1900 MP Iron Club is dedicated to improving every athlete’s lifting ability. The core of the class is to develop the skills and strength needed to improve the Olympic and power lifts. Basic knowledge and some practical application, NOT mastery, of these lifts are required to attend...Read More