Wednesday, 06 April 2022

Sign-up for the Nutrition Challenge and the Fitness Challenge!!

They both start Monday, 11 April!!




500m Row

For time


…rest 4-minutes, then…

12 Burpees-over-bar

6 Thrusters (135/93)

Rest 1:00

3 rounds for time


…rest 4-minutes, then…


1000m Bike

For time




Pause Front Squats

4 @ 45% 1-rm

4 @ 55%

3 @ 65%

3 @ 70%

3 @ 75%

3 @ 75%


For quality



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Henry Smith says

    1:27.4 500m row
    14:03 second part
    19:29 total

  2. Christa says

    1:46.3 500 row (came out too hot)
    7:02 for 3 rds burpees/thrusters (not including 4 min rest)
    18:26 total time

    It’s 8pm and I’m still wiped from this wod.

  3. Ron Sage says

    500 m row – 143.9 (3 sec. PR)
    Total time 21:54 thrusters @75lbs.

  4. sflynn says

    1:44.7 Row (PR tie)
    18:02 total time.

  5. White Ape says

    Row – 1:30.4
    Total time – 16:16 Rx

    Thrusters felt heavy, but was able to go unbroken all 3 sets. Decent pace on burpees.

    Holy smokes after WOD though!! I was toast after the bike!!!

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