Monday, 30 July 2018



2000m Row

3 rounds of:

15 Power Snatches (95/63)

45 Single Unders


1500m Assault Bike

2 rounds of:

15 Power Snatches

45 Speed Skips


800m Run

15 Power Snatches

45 Single Unders


For Time



Twisted Cross – 1:00/side

Shoulder Fold – 1:00/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:00/side

Pike Stretch – 2:00



Post time and experiences to comments


  1. sflynn says

    29:09, 43#

  2. 29:13 Rx

  3. 38:03 Rx if the answer to this word problem is 1600m
    If Jaime runs to the 600 m line and Courtnie reminds her she should run 800m and Jaime runs two laps from the 600m to the 400m line and back, finally running from the 600m line to the door, how many meters did she run?

  4. CourtnieMcKone says

    Didn’t finish. Took out the door for the run around the 25 minute mark. Back cramped up pretty back so walked the 800 and called it a day.

  5. 35:46 the last 45 du did about 15 du and 100 singles

  6. White Ape says

    27:33 Rx
    Had a slight cramp in right quad, halfway thru row. Legs got totally heavy halfway thru bike.

  7. darrenandtara says

    30:31 43#

  8. Daniel says

    34:35 scaled with 60#

  9. 30:28 48#

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