Monday, 05 August 2019

Congratulations to Mayhem Freedom (team), Mat Fraser, and Tia-Clair Toomey for winning the 2019 CrossFit Games!



WOD 1:

500m Row

30 Bar-facing-burpees

For time

(6:00 cap)

Courtesy of Masters CrossFit Games 2019


…rest 10:00, then…

300m run

15 Pull-ups

5 Squat cleans (185/123)


3 round for time

(15:00 cap)



Couch stretch

Pike stretch

Reclined spinal twist

Twisted cross



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. RhondaMomma says

    Wod 1

    Wod 2
    53# Sq Clean (50%)
    Feeling tired today so went lighter.
    Did all my PLU unbroken.

  2. Wod 1 4:52
    Wod 2 cap+3
    103# cleans (81% 1RM)

  3. Wod 1: 3:52… go harder next time :-/
    Wod 2: 12:05, 113#

  4. megancyork says

    WOD 1: 4:16
    I stepped over every 10 cause my hamstring was bugging me but I could’ve jumped them all.
    WOD 2:
    Hit the cap with 1 round and 1 rep left. My hammy hated the run. The PLUs I did with just the purple band. They felt pretty good the second round.
    I gotta get more serious about recovery and accessory work.

  5. White Ape says

    WOD 1:

    WOD 2:
    9:10 Rx
    Do unbroken all sets next time. Faster through the cleans.

    Toasty WOD’s! I like them!

  6. WOD 1 4:34
    WOD2 cap+3 with 2 failed cleans on the last round

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