Tuesday, 30 April 2019

No 0630 class on Tuesday. Sorry for any inconvenience.



Max meters rowed, biked, or combination of in 40-minutes

Solo or Partner


For total meters

Compare to Tuesday, 13 November 2018



Couch Stretch

Sink Mobilization

Hip Capsule Stretch


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 87



Post time, skills, and experiences to comments


  1. liliana says

    Shadowed Sara
    2150 m row
    5,900 m biked

  2. White Ape says

    Team “Sape”
    Row/Bike option
    05145m Row
    12727m Bike
    17872m Total

    Legs were exhausted!! 2:00 rotations on rower, then 1:00 rotations on bike. Great conditioning WOD!

  3. What he said. Tried my best to keep row under 2min pace but occasionally it creeped to 2:05. Kept bike at above 60 rpm each round. Bike felt better than row. Legs are DEAD now though. Love that wod.

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