“Annie, are you ok?” Row 500m at the beginning of each round 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of: Kettlebell Thruster (35/25) Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-pull (35/25) Burpees Ball Cleans (20/14) Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) For Time Post time to comments Compare to 29 SEP 10Read More
“Deck of Cards”…Partner Style ♥: Speed Skips ♠: Partner Pistols ♦: Partner Wall-ball Throws @ 5 meters (12/8) ♣: Partner Push-ups Jokers: team 1000m row All Face cards: 20 meters buddy carry, except K & Q of ♥ are 40 meters Description: All numbered ♥‘s, add a zero to the end, and...Read More
“Unworthy” Squats: 80-40-20-40-80 KB Swings: 40-20-10-20-40 (1.5/1 pood) Pull-ups: 20- 10- 5 -10-20 For Time Post time to comments Compare to 15 FEB 12 Instructions: Perform 80 air SQ, 40 KBS, and 20 PLU. Then 40 SQ, 20 KBS, 10 PLU, and so on.Read More
REST DAY CFE WOD: Choose a sport: Run, Row, Bike, or Swim 4 rounds of: 60 seconds on, 60 off; 45 on, 45 off; 30 on, 30 off; 15 on, 15 off Post total distance covered to commentsRead More
Fittest in OK Team WOD 3: Medley WOD 1: 21-15-9 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) Burpees WOD 2: 3 Rounds For Time 11 Deadlifts (245/163) 11 Weighted Squats (45/25) 1/2/3 30m Weighted Shuttle Run (45/25) WOD 3: 3 Rounds For Time 15 Hang Power Clean (155/103) 15 Toes to Bar...Read More
Clean & Jerk ladder AMRAP in 11 minutes (1,2,3,4,5…) Bar starts on the ground. Athlete will have three 3-minute rounds a 3 ascending weights. The barbell must start on the ground at the beginning of each set, and must touch the ground on each rep. The athlete will have 60 seconds to change...Read More
“Put a little love in it” 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Push-ups Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood) Knees-to Elbows Overhead Squats (65/45) Box Jumps (24/20″) Pull-ups Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) Run 400m* For Time *Run 400m at the end of each rep round Post time to comments Compare to 27 JAN...Read More
For Score: 10 minute Row (calories) 2 minutes max rep Overhead Squats (65/45) 1 minute max rep Pull-ups 2 minutes max rep Speed Skips Post score to comments Compare t0 24 JAN 10Read More
Partner WOD As a team, row 1000m, 14 strokes at a time. While one partner is rowing, the other does 7 Burpees, jumping onto a 45lb weight plate….then “Lucky 7” Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of: 70 Double Unders 7 Thrusters (115/83) 7 Toes-2-Bar One partner at a time...Read More
Rest Day CFE WOD: Choose a sport, and perform 4-6 rounds of: Run: 300m, rest 2 minutes Row: 400m, rest 2 minutes Bike: 1200m, rest 2 minutes Swim: 75m/yd, rest 2 minutes Post sport and total sprint time to commentsRead More