Conditioning: Partner WOD “3 Light Lovely Ladies” “Fran” 21-15-9 rep rounds: Thrusters (85/55) Pull-ups …Rest 3 minutes “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerks (95/55) …Rest 3 minutes “Isabel” 30 Snatches (95/55) For Total WOD Time (Total time – 6 minutes of rest) Instructions: This is a partner WOD. Do...Read More
Strength: As a team of 3, each person find their 1 rep max: Power Clean and 2 Front Squats 6 minute time cap Rest 3 minutes then.. Conditioning: With your team of 3, perform 4 rounds of: 10 Handstand Push-ups 15 Pull-ups 20 Toes-2-Bar 25 Calories Rowed Alternate team members...Read More
Holiday Hours: Classes will be 0900 and 1200 only Strength: Clean Series Jump shrug, Power Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 For Max Load Conditioning: 100 Double Under Buy-in …then 9-6-3 rep rounds of: Muscle-ups Thrusters (115/83) For Time Flexibility: Wrist stretches – 1:00/each direction Handstand Hold with fingers on...Read More
Holiday Hours: 31 DEC will be 0530, 0630, 0845 & 1200; 01 JAN Closed; and 02 JAN will be 0900 and 1200 Conditioning: “Resolution” 500m Row 10 Deadlifts (245/165) 20 Overhead Squats (65/45) 20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood) 10 Handstand Push-ups 5 rounds for time Post time to comments Compare...Read More
Holiday Hours: 31 DEC will be 0530, 0630, 0845 & 1200; 01 JAN Closed; and 02 JAN will be 0900 and 1200 Skill: Handstand Hold 30 seconds Hollow Body Hold 30 seconds 4 rounds for quality Rest as needed between rounds Conditioning: 5 minute AMRAP Row for calories …rest 1 minute 5...Read More
Holiday Hours: 31 DEC will be 0530, 0630, 0845 & 1200; 01 JAN Closed; and 02 JAN will be 0900 and 1200 Skill: Practice 10 minutes on: Pistol Progression 1 Pistol Progression 2 Pistol Progression 3 Pistol Progression 4 For Quality Conditioning: Partner WOD “Two to Tango” 40 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups 60 Burpees...Read More